Raid on Yag-prime

The New Republic launched a raid against the space station known as Yag-prime, located in the Yag'Dhul system, to recover a substantial quantity of bacta. This vital medical supply had previously been confiscated by the Warlord Zsinj.


The illicitly obtained bacta was moved to Yag-prime, an Empress-class space station that orbited the planet Yag'Dhul. Qlaern Hirf, an Ashern individual who was present on one of the bacta-laden freighters, secretly alerted the New Republic to this fact. Acting on this intelligence, the New Republic dispatched Rogue Squadron and Defender Wing with orders to neutralize the station's defenses. Simultaneously, a contingent of assault shuttles and freighters was deployed to seize control of the station and retrieve the stolen bacta.

The battle

As the eleven X-wings comprising Rogue Squadron, alongside the twenty-four Y-wings of Champion and Warden Squadrons, emerged from hyperspace, they encountered a patrol of four TIE/LN starfighters. Commander Wedge Antilles directed four of his X-wings to engage these fighters, while the remaining New Republic forces initiated an assault on the station. This was intended to provoke the remaining eight TIE fighters and twelve TIE/IN interceptors into action.

Shortly thereafter, the B-wings of Guardian Squadron arrived from hyperspace and swiftly dealt with the TIE fighters. Seven TIEs were disabled by ion cannon fire, and another four TIE fighters surrendered. Their mercenary pilots were then taken aboard the Pulsar Skate to provide an escort for the bacta convoy. Subsequently, seventeen additional freighters gathered the bacta, and the convoy commenced its journey to Coruscant.

