Qlaern Hirf held the position of verachen on the world of Thyferra, was a member of the Ashern Circle, and belonged to the Vratix. During the Krytos crisis, Hirf connected with Rogue Squadron, informing them of the location of dangerous bacta on a space station orbiting Yag'Dhul. Once aboard the Pulsar Skate, the verachen journeyed to Coruscant and disclosed to the New Republic that it possessed a remedy, rylca, for the Krytos virus. Secretly transported to the Alderaan Biotics hydroponics center located on Borleias, Hirf received permission to produce the viral cure on a large scale in a secure environment.
Being a Vratix, Hirf possessed neither male nor female characteristics, and the pronouns they/them were advised due to the Vratix's limited hive mind. It was deemed unsuitable to use "he" or "she" when referring to a Vratix; Mirax Terrik corrected Wedge Antilles after he referred to Hirf as "he," instead using "it" to describe Hirf.
Even with Qlaern Hirf's two appearances clarifying the character's pronouns and explicitly rejecting "he," both A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded and The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia utilized "he" in their respective entries for the character.