Fliry Vorru

Fliry Vorru, a Corellian Human male, achieved notoriety as both a politician and a criminal underlord within the galaxy.

Life Story

Imperial Moff Position

Vorru's historical record begins with his role as governor of Corellia in the waning years of the Galactic Republic. His connection to Diktat Shyla Merricope remains unclear.

In 19 BBY, when Emperor Palpatine announced the formation of his Galactic Empire, Vorru was elevated to the position of Grand Moff of the Corellian Oversector and took command of the 2nd Sector Army.

During his time as Moff, Vorru knowingly ignored the rise of criminal activity, which fostered Corellia's reputation as a haven for smugglers and pirates. It was during this period that Prince Xizor, Vorru's main adversary, orchestrated a plot to frame the Moff, aiming to diminish his growing influence and install a Black Sun operative on Corellia. The specific crime for which Vorru was framed remains ambiguous. Some, including Booster Terrik and Vorru himself, suggested that the Emperor viewed Vorru as a potential threat due to his charisma, intelligence, and popularity, and therefore seized the opportunity presented by Xizor's fabricated evidence.

Affiliation with Black Sun

After Xizor's demise, Vorru assumed leadership of the remaining forces of Black Sun. For a number of years, Vorru was forced to work in the spice mines of Kessel, until Rogue Squadron freed him to aid in their strategy to divert Imperial attention while they infiltrated Coruscant. During his time in the mines, Vorru crossed paths with Booster Terrik. Booster recognized Vorru as a dangerous individual, as Vorru was sure that a "loyal son of Corellia" would eventually rescue him from his confinement and was willing to bide his time. Wedge Antilles consented to Vorru's release to serve as a counterbalance to the unstable and perilous Zekka Thyne.

Subsequent Release

Upon landing on Coruscant, Vorru might have negotiated an agreement with Ysanne Isard to avoid re-arrest in exchange for his assistance. His skills certainly revitalized Black Sun, restoring it to a formidable force. Isard may have divulged her plan concerning the Krytos virus to Vorru, enabling him to amass bacta in anticipation of the shortages that would arise following the virus's release into the water supply.

After Coruscant was captured by the New Republic, Vorru was tasked with establishing the Imperial Center People's Militia to gain control over the disorganized criminal elements. With the support of the resource-strapped Provisional Council, Vorru initiated a complex game of alliances, pitting Ysanne Isard, Kirtan Loor, and the New Republic against each other. Kirtan Loor, the leader of the Palpatine Counterinsurgency Front, harbored deep resentment towards Vorru's manipulations and directives. Vorru maintained tight control over Loor, even ordering him to detonate a school to incite panic, thereby increasing the New Republic's dependence on the Militia. Despite his attempts to further his own goals, Vorru ultimately became a pawn of Isard, providing the New Republic with misleading information that facilitated Isard's escape from Coruscant.

Vorru escaped with Isard, who appointed him the Minister of Trade on Thyferra. Vorru found his time on Thyferra unpleasant, as he preferred a more vibrant, urban setting. He also noticed that Isard was becoming increasingly fixated on Wedge Antilles, rather than focusing on the restoration of the Empire. He developed contingency plans by stealing funds from the Thyferrans and intended to flee with Erisi Dlarit. As the Battle of Thyferra reached its climax, Vorru attempted to escape Thyferra, but was intercepted by Elscol Loro and Iella Wessiri. Vorru tried to talk his way out of the situation, claiming that he possessed too much knowledge of the New Republic Councilors' secrets to ever face trial. Wessiri agreed and then encouraged Loro to shoot Vorru with a bolt intended to kill him, unaware that her blaster had been set to stun by Wessiri. Vorru was apprehended and handed over to the New Republic to stand trial for his transgressions.

Following his capture and imprisonment, Vorru was sent back to the Spice Mines of Kessel. His former second in command Y'ull Acib succeeded him as the leader of Black Sun.

Behind the Curtains

The name "Flirry Vorru" was mistakenly used in The Emperor's Pawns and The New Essential Chronology.

