Erisi Dlarit served as an operative for the Galactic Empire, infiltrating Rogue Squadron, and later commanded Imperial starfighter forces during the Bacta War. Born on Thyferra, this Human female hailed from a prosperous family of leading figures in the Xucphra Corporation, a producer of the medical compound bacta. Dlarit became an agent for Ysanne Isard, the Empire's acting leader, aiming to safeguard Xucphra's interests. In 6.5 ABY, Commander Wedge Antilles personally selected her to join the newly reformed Rogue Squadron.
During her time with the elite squad, Dlarit harbored romantic feelings for Rogue Squadron pilot Corran Horn, but he mostly dismissed her advances. She masterminded the sabotage and attempted murder of fellow Rogue pilot Bror Jace, who was affiliated with Xucphra's rival bacta company, Zaltin, yet provided minimal useful intelligence to Isard otherwise. When the New Republic captured the galactic capital of Coruscant, Dlarit gave Horn's starfighter codes to Isard, leading to Horn's capture and imprisonment on Isard's _Executor_-class Star Dreadnought flagship, the Lusankya. As Coruscant suffered devastation from Isard's genetically engineered bioweapon, the Krytos virus, Dlarit hindered treatment efforts by betraying a bacta convoy in the Alderaan system to Warlord Zsinj, who subsequently destroyed it. After Horn's escape from the Lusankya, Dlarit fled Coruscant to avoid exposure.
Dlarit reunited with Isard and her associate Fliry Vorru on Thyferra, where Isard seized control of the planet and granted Xucphra exclusive rights over its bacta trade. Rogue Squadron then left the New Republic and started their own campaign against Isard, who had formed the Thyferran Home Defense Corps and placed Dlarit in charge of its fighter wing. Dlarit led an attack on an unarmed civilian colony at Halanit that had obtained bacta from Rogue Squadron. The event became a massacre, but Dlarit felt no regret for the victims. Growing increasingly doubtful of Isard's arrogance and unpredictability, Dlarit conspired with Vorru to abandon her. However, when Rogue Squadron launched an assault on Thyferra, Corran Horn engaged Dlarit in a dogfight and shot down her craft over one of Thyferra's moons, resulting in her death.

Erisi Dlarit, a Human female, was born and spent her formative years on the planet of Thyferra, during the Galactic Empire's rule. Her father, Aerin Dlarit, along with the rest of her family, held prominent positions within the Xucphra Corporation, one of the two major organizations that, alongside the rival Zaltin Corporation, controlled the vast majority (ninety-five percent) of the medical substance bacta supply in the galaxy. Her uncle was a well-known investigator for the company. The Dlarit family amassed considerable wealth through their involvement with Xucphra, affording Erisi a life of luxury from a young age. The Dlarit estate, her childhood home, was a sprawling and visually impressive mansion situated in a secluded area within the Thyferran rainforests, complete with a staff of servants, sophisticated security systems, and a stunning backdrop of a gigantic mountain with beautiful waterfalls. Like her father, Erisi reveled in the comfort and prestige that her wealth provided, treating her opportunities and material advantages as something she was inherently entitled to. This led her to develop a casual disregard for money and a strong sense of superiority over those she considered to be of a lower social standing.
Throughout the Galactic Civil War, the bacta cartels maintained an official stance of neutrality. However, Xucphra secretly favored the Galactic Empire, as Imperial decrees had enabled the bacta cartels to establish their monopoly. The Dlarit family shared these sentiments, although their primary allegiance was to their own interests. Erisi cultivated a deep passion and commitment to the Xucphra Corporation, as well as a genuine affection for her home planet, Thyferra. She also developed an equally strong animosity towards the Ashern, a movement of the Vratix, the native species of Thyferra. The Ashern had rebelled against the Xucphra and Zaltin Corporations, becoming disillusioned with the Human control over the bacta cartel. Erisi and her family regarded them as nothing more than murderous traitors.
Dlarit was expected to follow in her family's footsteps and serve Xucphra. However, while she was loyal to her family, she desired a more exciting life and began to acquire starfighter piloting skills. After the Alliance to Restore the Republic gained momentum in the Galactic Civil War following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Dlarit family feared that their hold on power might be at risk. They worried that their monopoly, which had been established under the Empire, might be dismantled under the New Republic's governance. Consequently, the Dlarit family became involved with Ysanne Isard, the Director of Imperial Intelligence and acting leader of the Empire. Erisi Dlarit agreed to work as a high-ranking Imperial spy. By this point, Dlarit had become a skilled starfighter pilot, and Isard planned to place her in a prominent position within the New Republic Defense Force, where she would report directly to Isard.

When Commander Wedge Antilles re-formed the renowned Rogue Squadron in 6.5 ABY, Dlarit was among the eleven pilots he personally selected to join the elite squad. Dlarit underwent extensive hours of X-wing simulator training to prepare for her assignment. Her selection was partly political, as the New Republic aimed to include representatives from both the Xucphra and Zaltin Corporations in the squadron to appease the two bacta conglomerates. Similarly, Bror Jace, a prominent member of the Zaltin Corporation, was also assigned to Rogue Squadron. However, Antilles assured Admiral Ackbar, the Supreme Commander of the New Republic Defense Force, that none of the pilots chosen for political reasons were inferior to the other candidates. Neither Antilles nor any of the other Rogue pilots showed any apparent resentment towards Dlarit for the political advantages she received. Due to her assignment to the elite squadron, many Thyferrans began to view Dlarit as a hero.
While secretly serving Ysanne Isard, Dlarit publicly claimed that she believed so strongly in the New Republic's cause that she was willing to give up her luxurious and secure life to serve higher ideals. Dlarit was assigned the call sign Rogue Eight, and fellow pilot Rhysati Ynr became her roommate and wingmate. Nawara Ven, another Rogue pilot and Ynr's lover, initially thought that the two women would become jealous and competitive, but this proved not to be the case, as Dlarit and Ynr got along well. During Rogue Squadron training exercises, Dlarit generally performed in the middle of the group, outperforming pilots like Lujayne Forge and Peshk Vri'syk, but not matching the skill of Jace and Corran Horn. She readily and openly admitted that she was not among the best pilots in Rogue Squadron.
During this time, Dlarit developed a romantic interest in Horn and openly flirted with him. During a training exercise on Folor, Antilles secretly shared Horn's targeting data with the other Rogues, allowing them to achieve higher scores at Horn's expense. Afterward, when the Rogue pilots felt guilty about the lesson, Dlarit volunteered to personally invite Horn to the DownTime tapcafe, where he bought her a drink. Horn was attracted to her physical beauty and acknowledged some romantic interest in her, but he immediately sensed that their different backgrounds made them unlikely partners.
Dlarit and the rest of the squadron experienced their first action in a battle at the planet Hensara. Their mission was to protect the Battle of Yavin—a New Republic frigate that had crash-landed on Hensara III—from being captured by the Imperial Strike-class cruiser Havoc. The battle resulted in a Rogue Squadron victory with no casualties, and Dlarit achieved at least two individual kills. Shortly after, the squad was relocated to a training base on Talasea, intended as a staging area for a future offensive against the Imperial-occupied galactic capital of Coruscant, due to the planet's proximity to the Galactic Core. However, one night, a platoon of Imperial stormtroopers was dispatched by Admiral [Devlia] to attack the base, based on information provided by Imperial Intelligence agent Kirtan Loor, who had deduced it himself by reviewing raw intelligence data. Dlarit escaped the attack unharmed, but Lujayne Forge was killed in her sleep, while Horn and fellow Rogue Squadron pilots Gavin Darklighter and Andoorni Hui sustained serious injuries during the assault. Dlarit attended Forge's funeral, and her loss severely impacted the squadron's morale.

Dlarit participated in a retaliatory strike against Devlia and his forces at the Grand Isle, his base on the planet Vladet. Dlarit and the other Rogues provided cover as Defender Wing, General Horton Salm's Y-wing bomber squadron, destroyed Grand Isle. However, once the bombing was completed, the Imperial Carrack-class cruiser Expeditious and Lancer-class frigate Ravager emerged from hyperspace, leaving the New Republic starfighters and their CR90 Corellian Corvette Eridain outgunned. The New Republic forces were saved by a plan devised by Horn, who instructed the Y-wing squad, Warden Squadron, to target his own X-wing with their proton torpedoes, before flying directly towards the Ravager and diving underneath it at the last minute, causing thirty-two torpedoes to strike and destroy the ship. Despite the mission's success, Salm confined Horn to his quarters after the battle, anticipating a court-martial for disobeying orders and assuming command of Warden Squadron without authorization.
Dlarit visited Horn in his quarters and made a sexual advance towards him, claiming that she had believed that she was going to be killed during the battle and that she had felt closer to Horn after he had saved their lives. Although attracted to Dlarit, Horn felt conflicted due to his developing romantic feelings toward the smuggler Mirax Terrik. While he did not explicitly dismiss the possibility of a romantic relationship with Dlarit in the future, Horn rejected her advances, stating that he did not want to become involved with someone in the squadron. Dlarit encountered Terrik as she was leaving Horn's quarters. In stark contrast to her warm and friendly demeanor toward Horn, Dlarit was cold and rude to Terrik, attempting to discourage her from visiting Horn by claiming that he could not receive civilian visitors. Terrik responded with equal coldness towards Dlarit, whom she began to derisively refer to as the "bacta queen."

Rogue Squadron was later redeployed to Noquivzor, which was intended to serve as a staging point for an assault on Imperial-held Borleias. Because Borleias was the fourth planet in the [Pyria system](/article/pyria_system], the New Republic Provisional Council determined that its proximity to the Galactic Core made it an ideal location to launch attacks against the capital world of Coruscant. However, due to recent security breaches to Ysanne Isard, who had intensified her counterintelligence efforts against the New Republic in recent months, the identity of the planet and other essential information about the mission parameters were kept secret from the military forces. Even Antilles and Salm were not informed of the details—Borleias itself was only identified by the codename Blackmoon during the mission. These security measures successfully prevented Dlarit from providing Imperial Intelligence with any critical information about the assault. Dlarit did not come under suspicion for the recent intelligence leaks because suspicion fell on Rogue Squadron's Executive officer, Tycho Celchu, whom many believed to be a spy due to his recent escape from the Imperial prison Lusankya.
The initial attempt to capture Borleias resulted in a disastrous failure for the New Republic due to poor planning by the Bothan General Laryn Kre'fey and secret defense measures implemented by the Borleias commander, the Imperial General Evir Derricote. During the battle, Rogue pilots Andoorni Hui and Peshk Vri'syk were killed, and Dlarit's X-wing was destroyed by TIE Interceptors, forcing her to eject. The other New Republic pilots feared that the intensity of the battle would prevent a rescue for Dlarit and the other ejected pilots, Nawara Ven and Ooryl Qrygg. However, Celchu, who was monitoring the battle in the unarmed Lambda-class shuttle Forbidden due to being banned from combat as a security measure, flew into the combat zone to rescue them. Dlarit, Ven, and Qrygg recovered from their injuries after undergoing treatment in bacta tanks at Noquivzor.
Dlarit recovered before the second attempt to take Borleias, but was unable to participate in the battle due to a shortage of functional X-wings. Although she expressed sadness and regret at being unable to join the other Rogues in battle, she helped them prepare by participating in simulator exercises with them. Due to the continued security measures, Dlarit and most of her colleagues remained unaware of the planet's name, let alone any further details. Before the battle began, she repeatedly attempted to trick Horn into revealing information, at one point claiming that she wanted to know the planet's location so that she could establish a memorial for Horn and the others if they were to die there. However, she was unable to obtain any information, and Horn did not notice her attempts. Just before the battle began, Dlarit attempted to persuade Terrik to stay away from Horn by promising to use her Xucphra connections to assist Terrik in smuggling if she complied and threatening to use those same connections to ruin Terrik's career if she did not. Terrik considered the offer, but ultimately rejected it. Later, Rogue Squadron successfully captured Borleias in the second assault.

After receiving word of his great-uncle's impending death, Bror Jace was dispatched back to Thyferra by Celchu on what was ostensibly a "recruiting mission," allowing him to be with his family. When Dlarit inquired about this, Jace confided in her the real reason for his return and the specifics of his travel route. Dlarit then relayed this sensitive information to Isard, hoping that Jace would be eliminated, thereby enhancing her reputation as an Imperial agent and dealing a significant blow to the Zaltin Corporation. Acting on Dlarit's tip, Isard orchestrated for the Interdictor Cruiser Black Asp to intercept Jace's X-wing as it exited hyperspace and obliterate it.
Although Jace was presumed dead following the assault, neither Dlarit nor the New Republic realized that he was not actually on board the X-wing at the time. The news of his great-uncle's passing was, in fact, a fabrication; Jace's true intention was to operate covertly, assisting in the development of a burgeoning alliance between the Zaltin Corporation and the Vratix. To achieve this, he planned to destroy the starfighter himself and stage his own demise. Jace had previously shared the details of his return with Dlarit, specifically so that the Xucphra would monitor his return and be informed of his supposed death. Dlarit's treachery and the subsequent attack by the Black Asp only served to further conceal his plans, and the truth of his survival remained hidden from the public for several months. Initially, Dlarit's betrayal of Jace was also not suspected; instead, Celchu became the primary suspect as an Imperial spy, given his role in arranging Jace's journey back to Thyferra.
Dlarit, as a member of Rogue Squadron, participated in a battle above the planet Mrisst in response to Warlord Zsinj's reconnaissance of the newly established New Republic base on Borleias. Dlarit, Corran Horn, and Rhysati Ynr flew as One Flight, a division of Rogue Squadron under the command of Captain Aril Nunb, who had recently joined the squadron. During the engagement, the squadron confronted Zsinj's transport vessel, the Contruum's Pride, leading to a skirmish with the ship's escort of TIE fighters and interceptors. Dlarit's X-wing became the target of an interceptor, and she struggled to evade it until Nunb intervened to provide assistance. The battle of Mrisst concluded with a New Republic victory and no casualties. Subsequently, Wedge Antilles summoned Horn and Dlarit and briefed them on a secret mission to Coruscant, which was still under Imperial occupation. The mission's secrecy was so paramount that the datafiles provided to Horn and Dlarit by Rogue Squadron's quartermaster droid M-3PO were loaded with a self-extracting virus that would erase the data upon viewing, forcing them to memorize the contents.
Horn and Dlarit received orders to assume disguises, link up with existing allied elements on Coruscant, collect dependable intelligence on the planet's defense systems, and identify key tactical targets. Dlarit, suspecting that the task was too large for just two people, persistently questioned Antilles about whether other Rogue Squadron pilots were receiving their own assignments, hoping to gather information for Isard related to the eventual capture of Coruscant from the Empire. However, Antilles neither confirmed nor denied her suspicions, only revealing that Horn and Dlarit would operate within a cell system, where individuals were only aware of their specific part of the network. These stringent security measures, implemented to prevent information leaks, were so effective that even Antilles was unaware of Horn and Dlarit's travel arrangements to Coruscant. Antilles requested permission from both pilots to transfer funds from their personal accounts for the financially demanding mission, promising reimbursement later. Dlarit surprised both men by offering ten million credits from her personal wealth.
Dlarit's assigned disguise was Ris Darsk, a haughty and affluent Kuati traveling to the Imperial Center to conceive a child with her telbun, a Human servant and impregnator considered the property of their Kuati masters. Horn was to pose as the telbun, Darsk Ristel; the disguise required Dlarit to treat Horn with considerable disrespect and, at times, ignore him completely. In private, Dlarit apologized for the need to treat Horn in this manner, but Horn sensed that, on some level, Dlarit genuinely felt socially superior and entitled to preferential treatment due to her privileged Thyferran background. The sexual tension between Horn and Dlarit intensified as they spent more time together, but Horn resisted her advances, fearing that letting his guard down would jeopardize the mission. After their training concluded, Horn and Dlarit traveled to Coruscant aboard the starliner Jewel of Churba, where Horn was listed as baggage and Dlarit relentlessly berated him, adhering to their disguise.

Upon reaching Coruscant, they were picked up in a shuttle by their contact, Winter, who used the alias Rima Borealis for the mission. Winter provided Horn and Dlarit with new identification and secured rooms for them at the opulent Hotel Imperial. Dlarit again attempted to extract information about the roles of other Rogue pilots in the mission, but Winter remained tight-lipped. Horn and Dlarit then commenced their reconnaissance, maintaining their Kuati and telbun roles. Horn behaved submissively in public, respectfully trailing Dlarit, paying for her purchases, and carrying her belongings. For the first few nights on Coruscant, Winter had Horn and Dlarit monitored to ensure no Imperials were taking notice of them. They spent the next week studying the basic security and peacekeeping forces on Coruscant, as well as medical facilities and services. During this time, Dlarit directly reported their activities and observations to Isard, but the cell system nature of the operation limited the amount of useful information she could provide.
Dlarit and Horn eventually found themselves in the Grand Corridor, the centerpiece of the Imperial Palace, where Horn confided in Dlarit and Winter about the murder of his father, Valin Horn. This revelation further endeared Dlarit to Horn. When Horn spotted Kirtan Loor, an Imperial Intelligence agent with whom he had a long-standing rivalry, Horn kissed Dlarit to conceal his face until Loor had passed. This incident did not diminish the sexual tension between them, and Dlarit later attempted to seduce him in their Hotel Imperial room; however, he continued to resist. While frustrated by this repeated rejection, Dlarit stated that she would respect Horn's decision and claimed to be impressed with his self-control and logic.
Shortly thereafter, Horn encountered a stormtrooper raid targeting the anti-Human Alien Combine, where most of the other Rogue Squadron pilots were present. Dlarit was not with them, but Horn assisted the Rogues in escaping the raid. Subsequently, Horn and Dlarit were quarantined from each other for several days as a security precaution to prevent any information leaks to Imperial Intelligence. Later, Dlarit rejoined Rogue Squadron, and she was partnered with her roommate, Rhyasti Ynr, instead of Horn. The Rogues were tasked with disabling Coruscant's planetary shields in preparation for an invasion. The squadron was assigned to infiltrate an Imperial warehouse to acquire memory cores, which would be used to gain access to Coruscant's central computer system. However, the warehouse mission was compromised due to information leaked to Kirtan Loor by the Imperial spy Zekka Thyne, a criminal recruited to assist Rogue Squadron on their Coruscant mission. As a result of this betrayal, the Rogues at the warehouse were attacked by stormtroopers. Dlarit and Ynr provided cover with blaster rifles, enabling the Rogues to escape in a transport vehicle driven by M-3PO.

Following this, Rogue Squadron devised a plan to disable Coruscant's shields by redirecting an Orbital Solar Energy Transfer Satellite to vaporize one of Coruscant's reservoirs. Horn proposed seizing control of a construction droid and sending it crashing into the Imperial Center, which would trigger its evacuation and allow the New Republic to take control of the center without resistance. Dlarit was among the five pilots assigned to provide air cover in Z-95 Headhunters, with Horn leading the group. Before the mission commenced, Horn confronted Celchu, convinced that he was the Imperial spy within their ranks. After the confrontation, Horn informed Dlarit that he intended to prioritize exposing the spy after the mission's completion. Concerned that this would lead to her eventual exposure, Dlarit arranged to assist Horn in inspecting his Z-95 Headhunter before the flight, obtaining the fighter's access codes. Wedge Antilles had prohibited outside contact prior to the engagement, preventing her from warning Isard about the plan to disable Coruscant's shields. However, she managed to transmit Horn's starfighter codes to Isard during the battle, enabling Isard to seize control of the ship during combat and potentially capture or eliminate Horn. Dlarit was aware that Celchu also possessed knowledge of the starfighter codes, ensuring that suspicion for her betrayal would ultimately fall on him.
During the battle, Dlarit and her four fellow pilots engaged and successfully repelled several waves of TIE fighters and interceptors, providing cover for the disabling of Coruscant's shields. The mission was a success for Rogue Squadron, but Isard's agents used the overrides to seize control of Horn's fighter and capture it, creating the illusion that Horn had been killed. While the Rogues believed Horn to be dead, he was imprisoned within the Lusankya—a facility located aboard Isard's flagship, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought also named Lusankya, which was buried beneath the surface of Coruscant. Despite Horn's supposed death, Rogue Squadron's victory allowed the New Republic to gain control of Coruscant. Shortly thereafter, however, Isard released the Krytos virus, a devastating bioweapon that she had specifically engineered to infect only alien species. The virus was designed to be treatable by bacta, and Isard hoped that the New Republic would expend so many resources treating the infected that they would eventually face financial ruin.
Following the loss of Horn and the addition of new pilots Asyr Sei'lar and Inyri Forge, Rogue Squadron underwent reconfiguration, and Dlarit's call sign was changed to Rogue Four. Rogue Squadron was assigned to assist with the governmental transition on Coruscant and to combat the Krytos virus. The urgent demand for bacta allowed the Xucphra Corporation to flourish, further enriching Dlarit's family. Dlarit claimed to be in urgent communication with her family regarding the need for larger quantities of emergency bacta at reduced prices. Later, she participated in Rogue Squadron's successful attempt at the planet Yag'Dhul to recapture a substantial Zaltin bacta supply that had been seized by Warlord Zsinj. The New Republic was alerted to the stolen bacta by Qlaern Hirf, an Ashern Vratix who was present on the convoy at the time of the theft. During the battle, Dlarit and Ynr engaged the TIE Fighters patrolling Yag-prime, an Empress-class space station orbiting Yag'Dhul. The two pilots successfully drove the TIEs away from the station and the rest of the New Republic fleet, and Dlarit destroyed at least one of the fighters with a proton torpedo.
After the battle, Dlarit spent over an hour interrogating Antilles about the identity and location of the Ashern rebel, insisting that he was untrustworthy and posed a threat to the squadron's safety. While actually seeking information for Isard, Antilles misinterpreted her concern as guilt over her failure to save Horn's life during the liberation of Coruscant. Antilles maintained that he had no information about the Vratix but promised to relay her concerns to General Airen Cracken, head of the New Republic Intelligence Service. Later, Qlaern Hirf approached Antilles and offered to develop the medication rylca to combat the Krytos virus, hoping that Antilles would assist the Vratix in joining the New Republic in return. Antilles deliberately concealed Hirf's presence from Dlarit due to her concerns about the Ashern. Consequently, Dlarit was unable to obtain any information for Isard regarding the rylca production efforts.
During this period, Tycho Celchu, the prime suspect in the apparent murder of Corran Horn, was placed on trial for treason against the New Republic and for Horn's death. During the trial, prosecutor Halla Ettyk called Dlarit as a witness. Under questioning from Ettyk, Dlarit recounted Horn's suspicion of Celchu during their time on Coruscant, as well as the fact that he had publicly confronted Celchu shortly before the mission that led to Horn's supposed death. Her testimony was damaging to Celchu and further obscured her own involvement, as he was being tried for some of the security breaches for which she was actually responsible. When the court recessed, the Rogues were assigned a mission to Ryloth to purchase a large quantity of ryll kor, a rare grade of the spice ryll to be used for rylca production. Antilles, Cracken, and New Republic Chief of State Mon Mothma considered prohibiting Dlarit from participating in the mission due to her Xucphra connections. However, they ultimately decided that removing her from the mission would anger Thyferra and Xucphra, whose bacta the New Republic desperately needed.
Rogue Squadron was assigned to safeguard a large bacta convoy from the Xucphra cartel through the Graveyard of Alderaan to the New Republic. Antilles believed that the high-profile squadron was not suited for the covert mission because they were likely under surveillance, but Provisional Councilor Borsk Fey'lya and others felt that Dlarit's participation in the convoy escort would send a positive signal to the Thyferrans. Dlarit betrayed the location of the bacta convoy to Isard, partly because the convoy's destruction would demoralize the New Republic on Coruscant and enable Xucphra to inflate their prices even further. Additionally, Mirax Terrik and her ship, the Pulsar Skate, were expected to be among the convoy, and Dlarit sought to eliminate her due to their past rivalry over Corran Horn. Isard leaked information about the convoy to Warlord Zsinj, whose forces attacked and destroyed the convoy, although Terrik was not present and thus escaped death. During the battle, Dlarit saved Nawara Ven's life by destroying a TIE Fighter that he could not evade. Ven reciprocated soon after by destroying a TIE that was on Dlarit's tail.
Later, when it was discovered that the Coruscant-based Palpatine Counter-Insurgency Front terrorist group planned to destroy a bacta storage facility in the planet's Alien Protection Zone, Rogue Squadron was assigned to prevent the attack. Dlarit expressed concern during the mission briefing about the potential for significant civilian casualties in the densely populated area. During the battle, Dlarit and Ynr provided cover for the rest of Rogue Squadron around the high orbit of the skyhooks, which provided surveillance and intelligence for the squadron as they destroyed airspeeders carrying explosives intended for the storage facility. The bombs were ultimately destroyed. Around this time, Isard learned that Horn had escaped the Lusankya prison, and Isard knew that Horn's escape would lead to its eventual discovery by the New Republic.

Consequently, while Rogue Squadron was still engaged in battle, Isard fled Coruscant by raising the Lusankya from beneath Imperial City and launching it into orbit using a massive repulsorlift platform. Dlarit witnessed the ship's escape and realized that her own status as an Imperial spy would soon be compromised, leading her to decide to escape with Isard. Dlarit pursued a TIE Interceptor heading toward the Lusankya, disregarding Antilles' orders to disengage and avoid approaching the massive ship. Dlarit destroyed the interceptor, then claimed she was caught in the Lusankya's tractor beam and called for help, feigning fear in her voice. Several of Rogue Squadron's pilots, including Gavin Darklighter, wanted to assist her despite being heavily outgunned. Antilles, however, recognized that the effort would be futile and ordered the squadron to stand down as Dlarit's X-wing was taken aboard the Lusankya. In reality, Dlarit had not been captured by a tractor beam but had simply docked willingly with the Lusankya and lied to Rogue Squadron to protect her identity as a spy.
This deception, however, was short-lived. Because of Horn's supposed death, Antilles had added a subroutine to all of the Rogue pilots' astromech droids, enabling him to extract diagnostic data from Dlarit's R5 unit. Since the astromech did not report the damage that Dlarit claimed her X-wing had sustained, Antilles realized that she had not been captured by a tractor beam against her will. From this, he deduced that she was a spy working with Isard. Additionally, while aboard the Lusankya, Horn had learned that Tycho Celchu was not the spy; since Dlarit was the only other person who knew his Z-95 Headhunter's codes, Horn realized that she was the one who had betrayed him to Isard. Horn and Antilles also concluded that Dlarit was in a position, and had a motive, to betray Bror Jace. These revelations ultimately led to Celchu's exoneration at his trial. Upon further analysis, the New Republic Intelligence Service quickly determined that Dlarit had provided very little useful information to Isard during her time as a spy. Apart from Horn's capture, Dlarit was only responsible for the destruction of the bacta convoy at the Graveyard and the supposed death of Jace, whom the New Republic soon learned had not actually died.
After departing Coruscant, Isard and Dlarit journeyed back to Thyferra, where Isard's forces backed a revolution that placed the Xucphra Corporation in control of the entire bacta cartel. This granted the already affluent and influential Dlarit family unprecedented power, as they now held the complete monopoly that they had previously shared with Zaltin. With the New Republic still desperately needing bacta and rylca to combat the Krytos virus, Isard believed that seizing control of Thyferra and its medical production would ensure that the Krytos virus would continue to devastate Coruscant and cripple the New Republic. However, the New Republic declined to engage this new threat, considering it to be an internal Thyferran affair. As a result, Wedge Antilles and his Rogue Squadron pilots resigned from the New Republic to wage a private war against Isard, thus initiating what became known as the Bacta War. The Rogues, particularly Corran Horn, felt personally betrayed by Dlarit and harbored intense animosity toward her. Privately, however, Antilles felt a small degree of admiration mixed with his anger for Dlarit, based on how well she had hidden her role as an Imperial spy through very difficult situations.

Isard orchestrated the establishment of the Thyferran Home Defense Corps, a defensive force composed of Xucphra volunteers. This organization was designed to collaborate with ground-based stormtroopers in the planet's defense. Isard strategically appointed Dlarit as the commander of the Defense Corps' fighter wing. This choice was influenced by Dlarit's exceptional piloting abilities and her deep understanding of Rogue Squadron, but also carried significant symbolic weight, as Dlarit had become a celebrated figure on Thyferra. Isard's military strength on Thyferra included the formidable Lusankya and the Star Destroyers Avarice, Virulence, and Corrupter, providing Dlarit with substantial access to resources and equipment. Dlarit directly commanded Elite Squadron, a squad of TIE Interceptors she boldly claimed rivaled Rogue Squadron, and she also oversaw the training of other Defense Corps squadrons, namely Might and Virile squadrons.
Dlarit's responsibility was to train Isard's starfighter pilots, but she grew increasingly dissatisfied with their perceived lack of dedication and discipline when compared to Rogue Squadron. Furthermore, she found herself at odds with several of Isard's strategic decisions, leading to public and heated disagreements between the two. From the very onset of the Bacta War, Dlarit persistently advocated for equipping her squadrons with X-wing fighters, arguing for their superiority over TIE Interceptors. However, Isard, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge any New Republic asset as superior to her own, consistently denied Dlarit's requests.
Dlarit also perceived a sense of disdain from the Imperial forces working alongside the Thyferran Home Defense Corps, who seemed to view her and her colleagues as incompetent, foolish, and inferior to the "true" Empire. This perception was amplified when an strike team of Ashern commandos, in cooperation with Antilles' forces, executed a raid on the Dlarit estate on Thyferra. This raid involved the public humiliation of Aerin Dlarit, with hologram images of the event being circulated to undermine the Xucphra Corporation's authority on the planet. The raid proved to be a major source of shame for both the Defense Corps and Erisi Dlarit personally. Compounding the issue, Dlarit's Imperial counterparts made no attempt to hide the news or their contempt for the Corps' personnel from her. This fueled Dlarit's desire for vengeance against her adversaries. Despite the disrespect shown by her Imperial colleagues, Dlarit's intimate knowledge of Rogue Squadron remained a valuable asset. Drawing on her past experiences with them, she correctly surmised that the Rogues had established their base on the Yag-prime space station. However, Airen Cracken disseminated a fabricated report indicating the station's destruction, leading Dlarit to believe the report's authenticity and forgo any investigation or discovery of the base.
Isard learned that a small colony on Halanit had accepted bacta from Rogue Squadron. The squadron had pilfered the bacta from Isard, and the Halanit colony lacked the financial means to compensate for the amount received. Seeking to discourage other planets and systems from accepting assistance from the squadron in the future, Isard commanded Dlarit to retaliate by attacking the defenseless colony. Piloting a TIE Interceptor, Dlarit led four other Interceptors from Elite Squadron to Halanit, providing cover for TIE Bombers as they deployed thermal detonators and proton bombs upon the main colony. With this accomplished, Dlarit and the Interceptors engaged ground targets, suppressing any resistance as shuttles carrying stormtrooper squads descended toward the surface. After neutralizing all of the colony's anti-ship defenses, Dlarit navigated her fighter through a large opening created by the bombers, spiraling skillfully into a chasm where she unleashed fire upon crowds of civilians and bridges. Despite acknowledging internally that the civilians were unarmed and defenseless, and that survivors of the initial assault would likely succumb to starvation or the planet's icy conditions, Dlarit felt no remorse or compassion for them.
Ait Convarion, the Imperial Navy commander who spearheaded the stormtrooper ground assault on Halanit, was impressed by Dlarit's performance and extended a personal invitation for her to join him in overseeing his troopers. Dlarit felt that she had proven the worth of her pilots, although she recognized that Convarion's invitation was partly intended to assert his dominance through the might of his troops. Shortly after joining Convarion on the colony surface, a lone X-wing launched from Halanit and began targeting the Imperial forces. Dlarit recognized the pilot's skill as belonging to a member of Rogue Squadron and rushed back to her interceptor to engage the X-wing. However, her engine had frozen due to Halanit's frigid temperatures, and by the time Dlarit achieved flight, the X-wing was already escaping. She communicated with the pilot, quickly identified as Gavin Darklighter, and attempted to provoke him into surrendering by taunting him as a coward. Darklighter refused to take the bait and, before entering hyperspace, vowed that Dlarit would face retribution for her actions on Halanit. He later informed Rogue Squadron of her involvement in the destruction of the unarmed colony.

Shortly after the bombardment of Halanit, Isard's Minister of Trade, Fliry Vorru, identified a rendezvous point in the Alderaan system where Rogue Squadron was anticipated to receive a significant shipment of munitions and spare parts. Vorru suggested deploying Dlarit's forces to attack the Rogues, but Isard hesitated to commit all her ships, fearing the information's potential inaccuracy. Instead, she dispatched the Corrupter and the Interdictor Cruiser Aggregator in Dlarit's stead. Dlarit attempted to persuade Isard to allow her participation in the mission, but Isard declined. She emphasized the excellent performance evaluations of the starfighter squadrons aboard the Corrupter and Aggregator, but Dlarit countered that they lacked actual combat experience and argued that Elite Squadron was better prepared to engage Rogue Squadron. The battle ultimately resulted in failure for Isard. Rather than acknowledging the accuracy of Dlarit's instincts, she blamed Dlarit and her training of the Corrupter and Aggregator pilots for the defeat. Dlarit was infuriated by the accusation, and the ensuing argument between the two women became so intense that Vorru feared Isard might execute Dlarit.
Around this period, both Vorru and Dlarit independently began to suspect that Isard was becoming mentally unstable and gradually losing control of her military campaign. Recognizing Dlarit's considerable influence within the bacta cartel, Vorru sought an alliance with her, hoping to maintain his position of power and influence in the event of Isard's removal. At great personal risk, Vorru defended her before Isard, potentially saving her from execution. Dlarit took note of this intervention and, despite recognizing Vorru's political maneuvering, found herself favorably disposed toward him. Vorru even began to develop romantic feelings for her. Later, in private, Vorru approached Dlarit and proposed developing contingency plans to ensure the survival of the bacta cartel should Isard meet her demise. Dlarit, believing that Isard's obsession with Wedge Antilles could lead her to destroy Thyferra if unchecked, agreed with Vorru's proposal.
Following the defection of the Avarice and its captain, Sair Yonka, to the New Republic, Isard resolved to lure Antilles into launching a premature attack against her. To achieve this, she devised a plan to intern Thyferra's Vratix population and execute over one million of them, followed by the continued killing of two thousand daily until the species' surplus population was reduced to a minimal number. Despite the genocidal nature of the plan, Dlarit supported the idea, suggesting only that Isard limit the announcement of her policy to the Thyferran population to avoid arousing Antilles' suspicion of a trap. Isard agreed to her suggestions and ordered Dlarit to prepare her forces to engage Rogue Squadron, either at Thyferra or at their base if its location could be ascertained. Shortly after conceiving her Vratix plan, Isard's spies confirmed Rogue Squadron's base at Yag'Dhul, and she ordered the Lusankya and the Virulence to destroy the space station.
Before the attack, however, Vorru approached Dlarit and argued that even if Isard succeeded in eliminating Antilles and the Rogues, she would eventually lose power because the New Republic would recognize her as a threat and commit their forces to destroying her. Vorru revealed that he had accumulated sufficient wealth to purchase a planet and establish a profitable enterprise there. The Minister of Trade proposed that, after Isard destroyed Rogue Squadron, he and Dlarit travel to the Virulence under the guise of inspecting facilities and stage an accident that would appear to result in their deaths. From there, Vorru would establish his planetary operation, and Dlarit could assemble a staff of pilots to protect it. Dlarit accepted the plan, stating that she now firmly believed Isard's actions would ultimately destroy Thyferra and that she did not want to witness its demise.
However, the information Isard had obtained regarding the Yag'Dhul base had been intentionally leaked by Rogue Squadron to draw her forces away from Thyferra before launching an attack on the planet. The Rogue Squadron trap led to the surrender of the Virulence and the loss of the Lusankya's starfighter complement. Rogue Squadron then initiated an assault on Thyferra, and Dlarit scrambled her starfighters from the planet to engage them. Elite Squadron's TIE Interceptors were the last to launch for the attack, following Virile and Might squadrons, causing Dlarit to be late to the battle. Upon launching, Dlarit observed that Virile and Might were too dispersed to effectively combat Rogue Squadron. She ordered Virile Squadron to retreat and await Might before engaging, but Virile Lead refused, asserting that his orders came directly from Isard and insisting that they could defeat Rogue Squadron independently. As Dlarit predicted, both Virile and Might squadrons were swiftly defeated and destroyed by the Rogues. Subsequently, Dlarit led Elite Squadron into battle, hoping that Virile and Might had at least weakened the Rogue pilots.

During the battle, Rogue Squadron received reports that Ysanne Isard had fled Thyferra aboard the shuttle Thyfonian. Isard ordered Dlarit and Elite Squadron to provide cover for Thyfonian until it could escape into hyperspace. Dlarit complied, engaging Rogue Squadron's X-wing fighters as they targeted the ship. Although most of her fellow pilots perished around her, Dlarit proved to be a formidable opponent. She engaged Nawara Ven and, despite his evasive maneuvers, successfully destroyed his X-wing, forcing him to eject. Corran Horn had his R2 unit, Whistler, tap into Dlarit's communication frequencies; the two exchanged taunts, with Dlarit making disparaging remarks about the death of Horn's father. They engaged in a one-on-one duel, and Dlarit led Horn away from the main battle toward Thyferra's largest moon. Horn found Dlarit a more challenging adversary than anticipated due to the speed and maneuverability of her TIE Interceptor, but he believed he could exploit her arrogance. Horn gradually inflicted damage on Dlarit, but as the Thyfonian neared escape, he attempted to end the dogfight by firing torpedoes at her interceptor, then accelerated his engines to close the gap with her faster starfighter. Dlarit shielded herself from the torpedoes by flying low toward the moon's surface, but was distracted from Horn's subsequent attack and was shot down. Her ship crashed into the surface, resulting in her death.
Despite her extended period as a spy within Rogue Squadron, Erisi Dlarit's contributions to the Empire were limited, resulting in minimal long-term consequences after her death. Given that both Bror Jace and Corran Horn survived her assassination attempts, the New Republic considered her only Imperial success during her time as Isard's spy to be the betrayal of the bacta convoy to Warlord Zsinj at the Graveyard of Alderaan. Zsinj's subsequent destruction of that bacta convoy led to the formation of a New Republic task force led by General Han Solo to hunt down and eliminate the warlord. As Thyferra was responsible for the production of the vast majority of the galaxy's bacta, Dlarit's support of Isard's conquest there had a tremendous impact on the distribution of bacta across the galaxy and had a major long-term effect for millions of people.
Dlarit's infiltration of Rogue Squadron, combined with raids later conducted against the New Republic by Zsinj, led to enhanced security measures on Coruscant and other New Republic strongholds. For example, at the Folor Base training facility in the Commenor system, emissions were much more contained than they were before Dlarit's defection, and external visual beacons were lit off only when landing craft needed them. For the most part, the fact that Dlarit had been able to operate in Rogue Squadron without detection did little to dampen the confidence others held in the elite squad and its leader, Wedge Antilles. However, there were a few isolated incidents of distrust or suspicion that arose from it. For instance, General Edor Crespin harbored doubts about Antilles' proposal for Wraith Squadron, a hybrid starfighter/commando unit made up largely of wash-outs and misfits. Although he ultimately signed off on the squadron, Crespin cited Dlarit as a reason to doubt Antilles' judgment while considering the proposal.
Erisi Dlarit, having been born into affluence and influence, cultivated a profound sense of superiority and entitlement from a young age. She considered herself above those of lower social standing and believed herself deserving of the wealth and position she enjoyed. Even while undercover in Rogue Squadron, where she presented herself as idealistic and noble, her fellow pilots sensed an underlying air of arrogance. Similarly, when she masqueraded as a Kuati during her covert mission on Coruscant, Corran Horn perceived that the arrogance and egotism Dlarit feigned for the disguise contained a genuine element. Due to this arrogance, Horn believed that Dlarit would have particularly resented the manner of her death, as the lack of an explosion when her Interceptor crashed made for an anticlimactic end.
Dlarit's primary concerns and loyalties were directed toward herself, her family, and the Xucphra Corporation. The reputations of all three were paramount to her, as evidenced by her strong desire for revenge following the humiliation of her father during the raid on the Dlarit estate. Dlarit prioritized herself, her family, and her business interests over the lives of innocent civilians. This was demonstrated during the attack on Halanit, where she slaughtered thousands of unarmed colonists without remorse, justifying their deaths with the belief that they should have abandoned their struggling colony long ago and that their decision to purchase bacta from Rogue Squadron ultimately harmed the Xucphra Corporation's interests. Dlarit harbored a strong animosity toward Xucphra's rival, the Zaltin Corporation, so much so that even while feigning amicable relations with Bror Jace in Rogue Squadron, she publicly criticized Jace as arrogant and irritable.
Dlarit possessed considerable courage and, unlike many of her Imperial counterparts, displayed little fear of Ysanne Isard. At times, Dlarit's strong personality and Isard's sense of superiority led to clashes between the two. She openly questioned Isard's decisions, challenged her, and occasionally even spoke to her with sarcasm and disrespect. Dlarit consistently exuded a confidence that made her appear both appealing and intelligent. She trusted her instincts, leading her to defect from Isard's faction upon observing signs suggesting Isard's descent into insanity.
Dlarit was also physically attractive, often distracting the men around her. She was aware of this and sometimes used it to her advantage, such as when she caught the attention of Fliry Vorru, who invited her to join him in abandoning Isard. Dlarit employed a subtle tactic of charming men by speaking in a vaguely flirtatious manner and touching them casually, but not promiscuously, during conversation. At other times, she was less subtle, such as when she kept her flight suit unzipped just enough to reveal her cleavage to Corran Horn. However, her charms ultimately failed to win Horn's affections, as he resisted two overt attempts Dlarit made to engage him sexually.
Dlarit was a highly intelligent and shrewd woman, as demonstrated by her accurate deduction that the Rogue Squadron base was likely located at Yag-prime. While some within the Empire, including Ysanne Isard herself, were blinded by their belief in Imperial superiority, Dlarit was more pragmatic. This was evident when she recognized certain advantages of X-wing starfighters over TIE Interceptors and attempted, albeit unsuccessfully, to persuade Isard to adopt them. Also unlike Isard, Dlarit did not underestimate her enemies: she recognized the threat posed by Wedge Antilles in a way that Isard did not, and she understood the need to avoid a direct confrontation with Horn due to his superior piloting skills.
Dlarit's emotions could shift dramatically within seconds, as demonstrated when the passion she displayed around Horn instantly transformed into cold hostility toward Mirax Terrik when they were alone together. There were also instances when her true feelings surfaced so intensely that she could not conceal her anger or jealousy. In one such instance, when Horn requested to be alone with Terrik, Horn felt he would have preferred to be "under the Ravager's guns" than facing her stare.

During her time in Rogue Squadron, Dlarit developed a strong attraction to Corran Horn and made repeated physical advances toward him. In both public and private conversations, Dlarit acted in a physically familiar manner with Horn, often subtly taking his arm while walking or touching his shoulder while talking. On two occasions, she explicitly attempted to engage Horn sexually: once after he saved the squadron and her life at the battle on Vladet—Horn attributed her feelings to the emotional surge following a near-death experience and the need for a positive experience to counteract it—and later after learning about Horn's tragic past during their time together on Coruscant.
Horn resisted her advances for several reasons: he felt their backgrounds and social statuses were too disparate, he was attracted to Mirax Terrik, and his instincts warned him that a romance with Dlarit would be a mistake. However, Horn was physically attracted to Dlarit and was tempted by her on numerous occasions; they even kissed at times. Dlarit admired Horn for allowing his emotions to guide him rather than succumbing to temptation. However, after Dlarit was revealed to be an Imperial spy, their feelings for each other changed drastically. Horn developed a strong disgust for her, and a significant part of his decision to resign from the New Republic to fight Ysanne Isard was driven by a desire to bring Dlarit to justice. During the Battle of Thyferra, they exchanged hateful words, and Dlarit even mocked the memory of Horn's deceased father. Their conflict ultimately culminated in the dogfight that led to Dlarit's death.
As Fliry Vorru grew concerned about Ysanne Isard's increasing instability, he sought an alliance with Dlarit. Vorru desired to establish an operation that would ensure his continued wealth and comfort after Isard's Empire collapsed, and he believed Dlarit's influence within the bacta cartel could help him achieve that goal. Vorru defended Dlarit during an argument with Isard, potentially saving her life and earning her trust. Contrary to his expectations, Vorru became sexually attracted to Dlarit during this period and envisioned forming a romantic partnership with her. Dlarit quickly recognized his feelings and, much like she had done with Horn, acted in a physically familiar manner with Vorru, touching him casually as they spoke and speaking in a flirtatious tone. However, it remained unclear to Vorru whether she harbored any genuine feelings for him or was simply exploiting his feelings to secure her own future. Shortly before Dlarit's death, Vorru proposed fleeing Isard and establishing a secret business operation with Dlarit. Vorru expressed that he desired her personal companionship as well as her piloting expertise, and Dlarit stated that she intended to accept the invitation.
Erisi Dlarit was an exceptional starfighter pilot, capable of effectively piloting both the X-wing starfighter and the TIE interceptor in space battles. While generally performing in the middle ranks of the elite Rogue Squadron, she was significantly more skilled than her counterparts in the Thyferran Home Defense Corps. Dlarit was also capable of executing particularly challenging maneuvers, such as spiraling through narrow chasms during the Battle of Halanit and diverting proton torpedoes by dropping to a low orbit over a lunar surface during the Battle of Thyferra.
Throughout her time as an Imperial spy, Dlarit proved to be an accomplished actress with a talent for manipulating others and concealing her true feelings and emotions. Despite serving in an elite squad and interacting with some of the New Republic's most brilliant minds, she was able to operate for months without arousing suspicion about her true purpose. Furthermore, despite her secret Imperial loyalties, Dlarit was able to convey a pretense of love for the New Republic that appeared so genuine that she even produced tears while expressing fear for her Rogue Squadron colleagues before the battle at Borleias.
Dlarit was adept at detecting subtle body language and motivations. For example, when Ait Convarion invited Dlarit to join him in observing his ground assault on Halanit, she recognized that he was attempting to assert his superiority over her. By recognizing this, she was able to avoid his attempts to belittle and condescend her. Similarly, Dlarit quickly discerned that Fliry Vorru was seeking an ally in her against Isard, and she equally quickly deduced that she could exploit Vorru's vanity and desperation to her advantage.
Erisi Dlarit was conceived by Michael A. Stackpole for his novels within the X-Wing series, making her debut in X-Wing: Rogue Squadron in 1996 and playing significant roles in X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble, X-Wing: The Krytos Trap, and, most notably, X-Wing: The Bacta War. To date, she has not been featured in any novels by other authors. She has been depicted in both the Japanese edition of the Rogue Squadron novel and the Star Wars Insider magazine article "Who's Who in Rogue Squadron," where she was illustrated by artist Scott Roller.