Mission above Imperial City

In the year 7 ABY, Rogue Squadron, a New Republic unit of starfighter pilots, undertook a mission over Imperial City. Their objective was to neutralize the remaining forces of the Palpatine Counter-Insurgency Front following the Krytos virus outbreak on the planet of Coruscant. Amidst the intense battle raging above Imperial City, Ysanne Isard, the Director of Imperial Intelligence, made a dramatic escape from the planet aboard the Super Star Destroyer Lusankya. This vessel, previously hidden beneath the city, emerged with devastating consequences, killing millions of innocent civilians in the process.

The mission

Kirtan Loor, the leader of the Palpatine Counter-Insurgency Front, orchestrated an attack on a bacta storage facility located in Invisec as a smokescreen for his impending desertion. This assault also served as an act of personal vengeance against Fliry Vorru, the individual in charge of the facility. However, Vorru detected the signs of the impending attack and alerted Borsk Fey'lya. Fey'lya then dispatched Rogue Squadron along with a commando team to foil the assault. At the PCF base, they discovered several civilian airspeeders and three All Terrain Scout Transports, in addition to PCF ground troops. The walkers and troops were swiftly taken care of, but one airspeeder, heavily loaded, escaped. Wedge Antilles realized it carried the bomb destined for the bacta facility. Using information from observers on an orbital skyhook, Antilles pursued and destroyed the airspeeder before it reached its target.

Simultaneously, a greater peril materialized near the Manarai Mountains. Three squadrons of TIE/LN starfighters launched an attack on Rogue Squadron, and the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Lusankya ascended from beneath Imperial City, propelled by a massive repulsorlift platform. The colossal warship obliterated everything within a hundred square kilometers, resulting in millions of civilian casualties. As it rose into orbit, the Lusankya also destroyed a skyhook with turbolaser fire. The remaining TIEs retreated to the Star Dreadnought, but only five of the original thirty-six survived the battle. Rogue pilot Erisi Dlarit, while chasing the TIEs, claimed to have been ensnared in a tractor beam. However, her R5 astromech unit refuted this, exposing her as an Imperial spy.

While Rogue Squadron returned to base to refuel, the Lusankya continued its ascent and turned its weapons toward Coruscant's planetary shields. The ship swiftly breached the shields and encountered a Golan III orbital defense station. The station exchanged fire with the Super Star Destroyer, but the Lusankya released its repulsorlift platform, which absorbed much of the Golan III station's barrage. The Lusankya then jumped to hyperspace heading toward Thyferra, where Isard quickly seized control of the crucial bacta-producing planet, with the full support of the Xucphra Corporation.


Following the mission, the New Republic Provisional Council declined to intervene on Thyferra, fearing that interference in the internal affairs of a non-Republic world would severely damage the fledgling New Republic politically. Inspired by Corran Horn, every member of Rogue Squadron resigned to launch their own independent campaign to overthrow Isard, thereby enabling Antilles to fulfill his promise to Ashern member Qlaern Hirf. The ensuing conflict became known as the Bacta War. Nevertheless, this battle's outcome was that the New Republic largely supplanted the Galactic Empire as the galaxy's primary governing body, as they had successfully captured the galactic capital.

