Palpatine Counter-Insurgency Front

The Palpatine Counter-Insurgency Front (PCF) represented a terrorist organization comprised of former officers from the Galactic Empire, operating under the command of Kirtan Loor.


Shortly following the Seizure of Coruscant, the Palpatine Counter-Insurgency Front was established upon the orders of Ysanne Isard. Its primary objective involved executing terrorist actions designed to portray the New Republic as ineffective.

The PCF, alongside the Krytos virus, played a role in escalating tensions between Human and Non-Human residents of Coruscant. Furthermore, the group targeted multiple installations on Coruscant, including the site of the funeral for Rogue Squadron pilot Corran Horn (who was thought to be deceased), in addition to a civilian school and a bacta production facility. The group collaborated with Fliry Vorru and the Imperial Center People's Militia, although Loor expressed disdain for Vorru's methods.

When Loor exceeded his authority in his ambition to destroy Rogue Squadron, he became fearful of Isard's retribution. Consequently, he offered to surrender to New Republic custody and exonerate Tycho Celchu regarding Horn's death, in exchange for protection from Isard. Regrettably, Diric Wessiri, who had been brainwashed by Isard years prior, assassinated him while he was being transported to the trial. His death, coupled with the departure of both Vorru and Isard aboard the Lusankya, signified the end of the Palpatine Counter-Insurgency Front, whose members were subsequently brought to justice by the New Republic.

