Talasea, the fourth planet within the Morobe system, revolved around the yellow primary star of a binary star system characterized by red and yellow hues. This world was cool, moist, and covered in forests, often shrouded in fog. Talasea's gravity exceeded standard levels, and it experienced intense thunderstorms during its rainy periods. Its landmasses consisted of island continents. The native fauna included various insects and reptiles, alongside feral mammals that descended from animals introduced during an early farming attempt. These included creatures like banthas and rycrits. The indigenous plant species featured green ivy, tendril-moss, and the kaha tree. Throughout its history, Talasea was the location of several minor conflicts involving diverse factions from across the galaxy.
Having been colonized in the distant past, most descendants of the original settlers departed over the years. The final group of these settlers met their end at the hands of Darth Vader after the Clone Wars, due to their sheltering of a fugitive Jedi.
Approximately three years following the Battle of Endor, Rogue Squadron was relocated from Folor to Talasea. This put them closer to the Galactic Core, positioning them for their eventual assault on Coruscant. They established their base on the largest of the island continents, occupying the ruined Planetary Governor's Palace of Talasea and the surrounding cottages, which were covered in ivy. The Palace's rudimentary Grand Room was constructed from heavy local wood and thick plaster. After Imperial Intelligence operative Kirtan Loor uncovered the location of Rogue Squadron's new headquarters, Admiral Devlia dispatched a platoon of stormtroopers to secretly infiltrate the base and emplace explosives. Although the squadron suffered the loss of six sentries and pilot Lujayne Forge, all of the Imperial commandos were either captured or killed. The Alliance promptly abandoned the base, leaving behind a number of booby traps for any pursuing Imperial forces.
A year later, a more substantial New Republic base was established on Talasea. The recently jeopardized Project Morrt was then used to lure one of Warlord Zsinj's Star Destroyers into a trap. The Star Destroyer Implacable Implacable managed to escape, but its escort vessels, the Provocateur and Constrictor, were destroyed during the Battle of Talasea.