The Raid on Talasea transpired in 6 ABY when a Stormtrooper detachment belonging to the Galactic Empire launched an assault against the New Republic's starfighter squadron, specifically Rogue Squadron's base, which was located on the planet of Talasea.
Kirtan Loor, previously an Imperial Liaison to Corellia, was tasked by Ysanne Isard, the former Director of Imperial Intelligence, with the mission of destroying Rogue Squadron. Loor analyzed the squadron's previous engagements, notably the battles of Hensara III and Chorax, and from this analysis, he determined that their base was likely situated on Talasea.
Stormtroopers initially made landfall on the planet utilizing a Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transport. Their operation began with the silent elimination of the six sentries, among them Pirgi and Carter. With the sentries neutralized, they infiltrated the base and commenced planting explosive devices throughout the facility.
Once they had gained entry, they killed Lujayne Forge, a Rogue Squadron pilot, while she was sleeping. Corran Horn, a Force-sensitive pilot within Rogue Squadron, awoke with a sense of unease. Upon leaving his quarters, he encountered and killed one Stormtrooper, while his fellow Rogue, Ooryl Qrygg, dispatched another. Qrygg and Horn debated raising an alarm to alert the others to the intrusion, but they ultimately decided against it, fearing that an alarm would send unarmed pilots directly into the path of stormtroopers stationed in the hangar. Instead, they proceeded towards the flight center, taking the time to awaken fellow Rogues Gavin Darklighter and Riv Shiel. Following a brief exchange of fire, during which Darklighter sustained injuries, Horn encountered Nawara Ven, another Rogue, and instructed him to remain and assist the wounded Darklighter. Horn then hastened to the hangar, arriving to find an active firefight already underway. Locating a group of stormtroopers, he hurled a grenade into their midst before charging in and eliminating several more, though he himself was wounded in the process. The bombs planted by the stormtroopers were subsequently discovered and defused.
Following the engagement, Admiral Ackbar arrived to supervise the evacuation of the base and to offer encouragement to the surviving Rogues, who were deeply affected by Forge's death. After the evacuation was complete, New Republic forces set up several traps within the base, some of which were triggered when Imperial forces investigated the base after the raid.