Ooryl Qrygg was a Gand of the male gender who, uniquely, did not breathe due to being lungless. He served the New Republic as a skilled pilot. Within Rogue Squadron, Ooryl piloted an X-Wing and held the designation of Rogue Ten, acting as wingman for Corran Horn, who was Rogue Nine. Similar to Tycho Celchu, his piloting was characterized by subtle maneuvers and a preference for precise, well-aimed shots.
In 6.5 ABY, Ooryl became a member of the reformed squadron, undergoing training on Folor. He quickly formed a bond with Corran Horn, becoming not only his wingman but also his roommate. His speech patterns were distinctive; he would sometimes call himself Ooryl and at other times Qrygg, but he never used first-person pronouns when referring to himself. He explained to his fellow pilots that a Gand who had not yet achieved anything was simply called Gand. By mastering starship piloting, he earned the surname Qrygg, and further, by mastering astronavigation and advanced flight techniques, he earned the name Ooryl. Gand linguistic customs dictated that he would typically refer to himself as Ooryl. However, if he felt ashamed or upset, he would use the name Qrygg. Only Gand who had distinguished themselves and become widely recognized were permitted to use first-person pronouns. This custom stemmed from the belief that anyone a Gand was addressing would already know their identity, making the use of "I" unnecessary and unambiguous.

Following the successful completion of their training, the reformed squadron was assigned to Talasea, a world situated within the Morobe system. This deployment was part of a larger strategy to liberate planets within the Galactic Core. Imperial Intelligence operative Kirtan Loor correctly surmised that Rogue Squadron was using the planet as a clandestine base. He relayed this information to his superior, Admiral Devlia, who opted for a covert strike on the base during the squadron's sleep cycle rather than a full-scale assault. Due to his unique Gand physiology, Ooryl required less sleep than his Human counterparts. He was patrolling the base's perimeter when he observed Imperial stormtroopers infiltrating the area. Corran Horn, sensing that something was amiss, also began investigating the base. As a stormtrooper was about to shoot Corran, Ooryl intervened, eliminating the threat. Together, they alerted the other squadron members, rousing them from sleep to mount a defense. While they successfully repelled the attack, they suffered casualties, including the death of Lujayne Forge. During the engagement, Ooryl collaborated with his Shistavanen comrade Riv Shiel, utilizing their combined stealth and hunting skills to outmaneuver and neutralize the stormtroopers in close-quarters combat.
Ooryl participated in the initial, unsuccessful assault on Borleias. The objective was to seize the planet, codenamed Blackmoon, with the intention of using it as a strategic launchpad for the capture of Coruscant. However, intelligence provided by the Bothans proved flawed, overlooking the Alderaan Biotics facility and hidden TIE Fighter Squadrons. Ooryl's X-wing was shot down, resulting in the severing of his arm. Fortunately, Gand physiology allows for regeneration, and his arm regrew rapidly with the aid of a Bacta cast. Ooryl would have been unable to participate in the second battle of Borleias had Mirax Terrik not discovered the secret of the Alderaanian biotics facility. She rushed to Borleias to warn Rogue Squadron that they were heading into another trap.
By the time Rogue Squadron was dispatched to Coruscant to assess the feasibility of liberating the planet, Ooryl had fully recovered. Ooryl, along with the other non-human members of the squadron, was sent to Invisec to evaluate the conditions in that sector and determine whether its inhabitants would support the New Republic during the anticipated invasion. As New Republic priorities shifted regarding the timing of Coruscant's liberation, Ooryl took part in the battle to disable the planetary shield. He was part of the team tasked with seizing control of a secondary computer center. During the operation, a defense mechanism was triggered, releasing Fex-M3d, a nerve agent, into the atmosphere. Ooryl's unique physiology proved invaluable once again, as his different breathing system allowed him to safely navigate the gas-filled environment and retrieve breathing equipment for his comrades.

In 7 ABY, Ooryl, along with the rest of the squadron, resigned his commission to assist in freeing the prisoners of the Lusankya and liberating Thyferra, a planet under the control of Ysanne Isard and the Xucphra corporation. During this campaign, Ooryl was being observed by fellow Gand ruetsavii due to the widespread accounts of his heroic actions reaching his homeworld. After determining that Ooryl had achieved sufficient heroic status, he underwent janwuine-jika, becoming a findsman. This rite allowed him to use first-person pronouns when referring to himself.
Ooryl participated in the Thrawn campaign and remained an active member of the squadron during the liberation of the Ciutric Hegemony and the subsequent battles following the resurrection of Emperor Palpatine.
In 11 ABY, Invids—pirates commanded by Leonia Tavira—kidnapped Corran Horn's wife, Mirax Terrik. Corran took a leave of absence from the squadron to train as a Jedi Knight in order to rescue her. He infiltrated the Invids, leading to a confrontation with Rogue Squadron during the Second Battle of Xa Fel. Ooryl unknowingly engaged Corran in combat and was struck by an ion cannon blast, leaving him stranded. Fortunately, he was rescued and returned to the fleet.
The Jensaarai, a group of Force-sensitive individuals who were not quite Jedi, heard rumors of a Jedi operating on Courkrus, the Invids' base of operations. They ambushed Corran, but Luke Skywalker and Ooryl successfully located Corran and defeated the Jensaarai. The trio then proceeded to the Jensaarai fortress on Susevfi and freed Mirax from captivity.
Ooryl attended the wedding of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade.
In the initial novels of the X-wing series, the character is known as Ooryl Qrygg. However, in later installments, his name inexplicably changes to Qyrgg. This discrepancy may be attributed to a typographical error on the part of the publisher. Even within X-Wing: Rogue Squadron, Ooryl's name is consistently spelled "Qrygg" in the Dramatis Personae and throughout the text, yet he refers to himself as "Qyrgg" when Corran introduces him to Lujayne Forge.