Riv Shiel

Riv Shiel was a Shistavanen pilot (of male gender) who became a member of Rogue Squadron following the events of the Battle of Endor.


Early in Riv Shiel's career as a spacer, Imperial stormtroopers mistakenly identified him as Lak Sivrak, a wanted Shistavanen rebel. Shiel was attacked by the soldiers, and in response, he killed them. This act of self-defense resulted in a death sentence that would follow Shiel for the remainder of his life.

In 6 ABY, when Wedge Antilles re-established Rogue Squadron, Shiel sought to join the esteemed unit. His performance in simulator tests was sufficient to secure him a position on the team, and he was partnered with Gavin Darklighter.

Shiel played a vital role in the Rogues' struggle against Ysanne Isard, the former leader of Imperial Intelligence, who had assumed control of the Galactic Empire. He took part in the commando mission that led to the capture of Coruscant, and he, along with his entire squadron, resigned his commission to aid the Ashern Rebels in their fight against Isard on Thyferra.

During a raid targeting three bacta tankers, Shiel met his demise when the Victory II-class Star Destroyer Corrupter, under the command of Captain Ait Convarion, ambushed the squadron. Upon reverting to real space, Convarion immediately opened fire, destroying the tanker being escorted by Gavin Darklighter, Shiel, and two Twi'lek Death Seed pilots. This attack resulted in the deaths of Riv and the Twi'leks, and damaged Gavin's X-wing.

