The Chir'daki, also known as Deathseed in the Galactic Basic Standard, was a distinctive starfighter type. It was both engineered and utilized by the Twi'lek species.
This fighter was actually an "Ugly" design, created through the assembly of components from both the TIE fighter and the X-wing. In contrast to typical Uglies, which were randomly constructed from available parts, the Chir'daki was manufactured following a defined blueprint. Each fighter exhibited a level of consistency comparable to factory-produced vehicles.
The S-foils originating from the X-wing fighter were affixed to a gyroscopic mount, which was subsequently attached to the primary pod of a TIE fighter. This design bore a resemblance to that of the B-wing starfighter. For propulsion, the Death Seed employed the twin ion engines of the TIE. The X-wing engines were used to power the lasers, hyperdrive, and shields. The resulting spacecraft possessed improved maneuverability compared to a standard TIE, though its speed was slightly reduced. A similarity between Chir'daki starfighters and TIEs was the absence of life support systems, which required pilots to wear pressurized flight suits, as Imperial pilots did.
The S-foils provided the Death Seed with the full laser power of an X-wing, surpassing the firepower of a TIE/LN. The Twi'leks opted against integrating any concussion missile or proton torpedo launchers into the design, due to the difficulty of acquiring such weaponry.
During the Bacta War, a squadron of these fighters, under the command of Tal'dira, joined forces with Wedge Antilles and the former members of Rogue Squadron.