
Tal'dira was a Twi'lek male warrior, a member of Ryloth's limited military. Later in his life, he brought his entire squadron to fight alongside Wedge Antilles during the Bacta War against Ysanne Isard. After that conflict concluded, he enlisted in the celebrated Rogue Squadron and participated in the Hunt for Zsinj. At some point, he was captured by agents serving Warlord Zsinj and subjected to brainwashing, programmed to kill Antilles upon hearing a specific command. He was activated prior to the Battle of Jussafet Four, where, rather than betray his honor, he chose to end his own life.


In the year 7 ABY, the male Twi'lek known as Tal'dira was in command of a squadron of modified TIE Fighters that were given the nickname Chir'daki. During Rogue Squadron's mission to acquire ryll kor, Tal'dira and five of his squadron's pilots made their way to the Kala'uun Starport on Ryloth. They discovered that Koh'shak, who was the starport master, had been concealing the Rogues' arrival from them, hoping to exploit their need for ryll for his own personal gain. Tal'dira initially challenged Commander Wedge Antilles, the Rogue Leader, to a duel, but then revealed that the starport master was his real target. After publicly shaming him for his greed, Tal'dira offered Antilles the ryll as a gesture of respect between warriors.

Later on, he, along with eleven other Twi'lek pilots, joined Antilles's Rogues in the Bacta War against Ysanne Isard. After they had successfully liberated the planet Thyferra from Isard's control, the Rogues received an invitation to rejoin the Armed Forces of the New Republic. Because Nawara Ven was unable to continue his duties as a pilot due to the injuries he had suffered, Tal'dira was offered a position to join the Rogues.

The Rogues' next assignment was to hunt down Warlord Zsinj, operating under the command of General Han Solo's fleet. Stationed aboard the Mon Calamari MC80B Star Cruiser named Mon Remonda, the Rogues participated in numerous battles, often flying in formation with Antilles's new Wraith Squadron. During this campaign, Tal'dira became one of the many victims of Zsinj's brainwashing experiment, and he was programmed to kill Antilles upon hearing the trigger phrase: "Wedge Antilles hops on one transparisteel leg." Corran Horn, a fellow Rogue, was forced to shoot him down, but before Horn could do so, Tal'dira was impacted by remarks concerning the dishonorable nature of his attack on Antilles. He then intentionally reduced all power from his forward shields as Horn approached, essentially ending his own life.

