Ait Convarion

Ait Convarion, a male Human, held the rank of commander within the Imperial Navy. He also served as the captain of the Victory II-class Star Destroyer known as the Corrupter. Distinguished by his slender build, short stature, dark, thick hair, and piercing blue eyes, he was recognized as the most fiercely aggressive among the four Star Destroyer captains under the command of Ysanne Isard during the conflict known as the Bacta War. His unwavering allegiance lay with the Galactic Empire, and his loyalty to Isard was absolute.


During the Bacta War, Rogue Squadron's strategy involved intercepting bacta convoys and distributing the bacta to those in need. Fliry Vorru, the Thyferran Minister of Trade, had been artificially inflating bacta prices to weaken the New Republic and hinder their efforts against the Krytos virus. Isard dispatched Convarion to pursue the Rogues, citing his prior successes in the Outer Rim in the suppression of pirate operations. During one such mission, he noticed that three freighters from the convoy had gone missing. Subsequently, he directed his officers to calculate potential coordinates for the missing freighters. Upon reaching the designated location, he discovered Rogue Squadron in the process of absconding with the third and final freighter, the Xucphra Alazhi. He initiated an attack, resulting in the destruction of the Xucphra Alazhi and the death of Riv Shiel, a Shistavanen pilot from Rogue Squadron. While it was initially presumed that Gavin Darklighter had also perished, the pilot successfully escaped into hyperspace beforehand. Additionally, two Twi'lek pilots from the Chir'daki squadron were also killed.

Despite her displeasure with Convarion's decision to engage the convoy before fully assessing the situation, Isard was impressed by his actions. As a result, she demoted him to captain and assigned him a new task. She tasked him with exacting retribution upon worlds that had failed to remit payment for the bacta they had received from Wedge Antilles. Following her instructions, he selected his first target: the colony world of Halanit. He subjected the planet to a bombardment from orbit, and then deployed his TIE Interceptors and stormtroopers to complete the destruction. Through information obtained by Melina Carniss, a spy planted by Fliry Vorru within Talon Karrde's organization, Isard learned of a clandestine rendezvous scheduled to take place in the Graveyard—a name given to the asteroid belt that remained of the planet Alderaan following its destruction by the Death Star I. There, with the aid of the Interdictor Cruiser, Aggregator, he ensnared Rogue Squadron, fully intending to eliminate them. However, before he could carry out their execution, the Valiant arrived in response to Tycho Celchu, who was transmitting the IFF transponder signal of the Another Chance. The arrival of the ship completely caught Convarion off guard, and Wedge Antilles capitalized on the distraction by firing two proton torpedoes through the Corrupter's viewport, destroying Convarion's ship bridge. Convarion was killed instantly, and the Corrupter was subsequently destroyed by the asteroids within the Graveyard.

