After the unsanctioned starfighter team known as Rogue Squadron executed multiple assaults on Xucphra Corporation bacta transports, Ysanne Isard responded with a devastating act: the annihilation of a colony located on the planet of Halanit.
The targeted settlement, situated on the planet Halanit, was a small community that had received a portion of the bacta seized by Rogue Squadron from Xucphra Corporation's [bacta](/article/bacta-legends] supply lines. The initial assault against the colony was carried out by TIE starfighters piloted by members of the Thyferran Home Defense Corps. These pilots were handpicked by Xucphra's Chief Operating Officer, Ysanne Isard, to escalate the Thyferran natives' involvement in the ongoing campaign against the Rogues.
Commander Erisi Dlarit, operating from the Victory II-class Star Destroyer named the Corrupter, led a squadron of four TIE interceptors and four TIE bombers from the Thyferran Home Defense Corps. The TIE bombers deployed thermal detonators to weaken the ice layer above the double-paned transparisteel dome protecting the colony. Following this, the exposed dome was obliterated using high-yield proton bombs. With the dome breached, the TIE Interceptors commenced strafing runs on the civilian population, while two Lambda-class shuttles touched down and began deploying stormtroopers.
The colony itself possessed no defensive capabilities. However, Gavin Darklighter, who was refueling his starfighter there after a blind jump escape from the Corrupter during a bacta tanker hijacking, attempted to defend the colonists. The Rogue Squadron pilot succeeded in destroying three Interceptors before being forced to make another jump to safety. Following this brief engagement, the Corrupter initiated an orbital bombardment, exacerbating the damage inflicted by the TIE Bombers and stormtroopers.
Although the New Republic dispatched rescue vessels, it was presumed that all of the colonists perished in the attack.
This act of reprisal on Halanit compelled Rogue Squadron to modify their operational procedures to prevent further harm to innocent populations, a change that was implemented during the subsequent attack on the Q5A7 Bacta Refinement Plant located on Qretu 5.