A clash unfolded on the planet of Qretu 5, triggered by a retaliatory operation executed by Rogue Squadron. This operation targeted one of the bacta-producing colonies situated off-world, belonging to Thyferra.
Rogue Squadron shifted its tactical approach following the Xucphra Corporation's reprisal at Halanit. This change was made to hinder Chief Operating Officer Ysanne Isard from launching further attacks on defenseless planets. A list of potential targets was created, ultimately leading to the selection of the Q5A7 Bacta Refinement Plant on Qretu 5, an off-world facility owned by Thyferran interests. The mission's goal was to obliterate the industrial infrastructure and seize as much bacta as possible, with the remainder slated for destruction. The acquired bacta would then be bartered with traders for weapons, ammunition, and replacement parts. This strategy aimed to prevent Ysanne Isard from retaliating, fearing the potential alienation or antagonism of these traders.
To secretly penetrate the atmosphere, Rogue Squadron and their allies utilized the asteroid belt encircling the planet. They then executed a low-altitude flight path, arriving at the bacta refinery undetected. Rogue Squadron initiated the assault, employing proton torpedoes and laser weaponry to strike ground-based objectives. As Tal'dira's squadron of Twi'lek Chir'daki starfighters prepared to commence their attack run, eight TIE/LN starfighters, manned by Thyferran Home Defense Corps pilots, entered the fray. However, Rogue Squadron and their allies swiftly eliminated these enemy fighters. With the area secured, a convoy of independent smugglers' freighters, led by Mirax and Booster Terrik, landed at a nearby spaceport. They proceeded to load their vessels with bacta and established communication with the local civilian population, anticipating future claims for damages.