Ambush of the bacta tankers

In the year 7 ABY, during the events of the Bacta War, the famed Rogue Squadron laid in wait and launched a surprise attack on a Xucphra Corporation bacta transport under the command of Captain Ait Convarion. This encounter occurred within a star system characterized by the presence of a red dwarf star and a surrounding dust disk.


Following the Rogue Squadron's successful capture of multiple Xucphra Corporation Bacta Tankers, Thyferran Minister of Trade Fliry Vorru proposed a revised shipping strategy. Ysanne Isard, the Xucphra Chief Operating Officer, concurred, resulting in the discontinuation of direct bacta shipments. Instead, a convoy system was implemented, with Bacta Tankers receiving escorts to central locations for collection by client worlds. To circumvent the challenge of attacking these protected convoys, Rogue Squadron's allies from the Zaltin Corporation initiated a plan to separate the tankers from their escorts. The Ashern secretly reprogrammed the navicomputers of three Bacta Tankers belonging to a small convoy guarded by the Victory II-class Star Destroyer, Corrupter. This manipulated code introduced a course deviation during the final leg of their journey to the Rish system, leading the three ships to an encounter with Rogue Squadron in a designated star system.

The Confrontation

While Rogue Leader Wedge Antilles successfully negotiated the surrender of the captains commanding the Bacta Tankers Xucphra Meander and Xucphra Rose, the third tanker, Xucphra Alazhi, resisted and attempted to impede the Meander's defection. Antilles instructed Rogue Squadron pilots Gavin Darklighter and Riv Shiel to neutralize the ship. Following the disabling of its turbolaser weaponry, the Xucphra Alazhi capitulated. In the meantime, the Corrupter, stationed at the previous transit point, monitored the exit vectors of all convoy ships. Upon discovering the deviation of three ships from their designated course, Commander Ait Convarion initiated pursuit.

The Corrupter's entry vector into the system aligned with that of the three tankers and the exit vector of the Xucphra Alazhi as it prepared for a hyperspace jump. Upon reverting to realspace, the Star Destroyer immediately opened fire, obliterating the tanker, two Twi'lek Chir'daki starfighters, and one X-wing. This resulted in Shiel's death and forced Darklighter to execute a blind hyperspace jump out of the system. With their mission accomplished, the remaining X-wing and Chir'daki starfighters jumped to hyperspace.

