
Halanit, a moon dedicated to ichthyoculture, was initially colonized around 20 BBY. This moon circled a sizable gas giant and was characterized by a substantial icy exterior. However, beneath this icy layer, the moon's internal heat generated pockets containing breathable air. The main settlement resided just under the ice, within a crevice shielded by a double-layered transparisteel dome. It was an unimportant world to both the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, possessing a small population of a little more than 10,000 inhabitants.

During the early period of the Bacta War, the primary colony on Halanit suffered greatly from a virus closely resembling the Cardooine Chills. Rogue Squadron aided the Halanites by supplying them with bacta acquired from a convoy belonging to Ysanne Isard. Not long after this, however, the entire population of Halanit was wiped out by the forces of Ait Convarion and the Thyferran Home Defense Corps as punishment for accepting the bacta.

Gavin Darklighter, who was in the process of refueling his starfighter at the time of the assault, attempted to defend the colonists. Overwhelmed by superior numbers, he was compelled to evacuate the moon, but only after inflicting as much damage as possible.

Following the brief conflict, the Victory II-class Star Destroyer known as the Corrupter initiated a planetary barrage. This bombardment amplified the devastation already caused by the TIE/sa bombers and stormtroopers. Although the New Republic dispatched vessels for rescue operations, none of the colonists managed to survive the attack.

