Susevfi, also known as Suarbi 7/5, existed as a satellite orbiting the planet Suarbi 7. It was a moon.
The history of this world, which was colonized by Corporate Sector exiles in 400 BBY, remains largely unknown. This is until Nikkos Tyris, an Anzat Dark Jedi serving Count Dooku, arrived. Tyris founded the Jensaarai cult, becoming its first Saarai-kaar. However, his death at the hands of Nejaa Halcyon ensured that the Jensaarai remained hidden from galactic view.
At a later time, Susevfi fell under the dominion of the Galactic Empire. In the period leading up to 11 ABY, the Imperial Governor of Susevfi met his end when Leonia Tavira killed him after he spurned her advances. Her Invid pirates then established Susevfi as their central base, compelling the Jensaarai to cooperate under threat of violence.
Ultimately, Corran Horn liberated the Jensaarai from their forced servitude to the Invids. Subsequently, the moon was integrated into the New Republic. Some Jensaarai chose to become members of the New Jedi Order. Horn's associate, Elegos A'Kla, who held the title of Trustant, relocated the Caamasi Remnant from Kerilt to Susevfi and directly represented the moon within the New Republic Senate. Following his assassination by Shedao Shai, his daughter, Releqy A'Kla, succeeded him in the Senate and later served on the High Council of the Galactic Alliance. The primary urban center on Susevfi was Yumfla, a port city.