Nikkos Tyris

Nikkos Tyris was an Anzat male who served the Jedi Order as a Jedi Knight during the Galactic Republic's twilight years. Eventually, Tyris succumbed to the allure of the dark side of the Force and became a founding member of the Jensaarai. During the Clone Wars, he allied himself with Count Dooku, but met his end at the hands of Nejaa Halcyon in a duel.


Early in the Clone Wars, Jedi Knight Tyris, along with two other Knights, became disillusioned with the Jedi Order after studying ancient Sith texts and consequently embraced the dark side. They believed they were following the Saarai, which translates to "True Way" in ancient Sith. Assuming the title Saarai-kaar, Tyris led his "Jensaarai," meaning "hidden followers of truth" in Sith, and the group's influence grew to a point where it concerned the Jedi Council. Count Dooku, the Separatist leader and secret Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, contacted Tyris and gifted him a Sith holocron once used by the Anzati Jedi Volfe Karkko in exchange for Tyris's loyalty.

As the conflict between the Republic and Separatists escalated, the Jedi Council dispatched Knights Nejaa Halcyon, Ylenic It'kla, and Desertwind with the mission to eliminate the Jensaarai leadership. The Jedi confronted Tyris, Dustrose, and another loyal follower on Susevfi, engaging them in combat to neutralize the Jensaarai's involvement in the war. Jedi It'kla, who remembered the battle as Nightsweat, and his companions tried to persuade the Dark Jedi to return to the light, but their efforts were futile. During the intense battle, the Jedi defeated the other members of the Saarai-kaar, leaving only Tyris to face Halcyon. Exploiting Halcyon's lack of telekinetic abilities, Tyris managed to impale the Human Jedi with his azure lightsaber. As Halcyon was dying, he drained the power from Tyris's lightsaber and then focused the Force to create a "fist" of energy. Halcyon unleashed this energy, shattering every bone in the Anzati's body before becoming one with the Force. The surge of dark side energy released upon the deaths of the three Jensaarai leaders caused the collapse of the structure housing the remaining Jensaarai, killing all but four apprentices. Among the survivors was the wife of one of Tyris's apprentices, who would later become the Saarai-kaar of the Jensaarai.

Powers and abilities

Tyris favored the Shien style of lightsaber combat, positioning his azure blade with the tip pointed downwards, held firmly in his dominant hand, while his other hand rested lightly on the weapon's pommel. His attacks involved a triangular motion, providing effective defense for the lower two-thirds of his body. This unique style allowed him to deliver exceptionally fast slashes and ripostes capable of bisecting an opponent from groin to neck, while also enabling rapid upward rotations to parry overhead strikes.

