Unidentified female Saarai-kaar

A female leader of the Saarai-kaar clan took over the Jensaarai organization after the demise of Nikkos Tyris.


Following the deaths of Tyris and her spouse at the hands of Jedi Nejaa Halcyon and Ylenic It'kla in 22 BBY, she harbored a deep-seated animosity toward the Jedi Order, blaming them for the assassination of both her husband and her master. She was unaware that Tyris was actually a Dark Acolyte serving Count Dooku. She then became the leader of the Jensaarai, concealing them from the Galactic Empire on the planet Susevfi. However, her son contacted Darth Vader, volunteering to become a Jedi hunter. Vader immediately executed him, causing the Saarai-kaar to further isolate her people.

She provided training to Mei, the daughter of Sukarr, and her lover Fomadu, who planned to exact revenge on Obi-Wan Kenobi "Desertwind" on Nar Shaddaa for her father's murder, sometime after the Empire was established.

Later, Admiral Leonia Tavira located the Jensaarai and coerced them into assisting her pirate operation. The Saarai-kaar discovered Mirax Terrik Horn within Leonia's pirate group and placed her in a Force-induced coma. When Corran Horn, Nejaa Halcyon's grandson, arrived on Susevfi alongside Luke Skywalker and Elegos A'Kla, Ylenic's nephew, they engaged the Saari-kaar in combat and ultimately defeated her. Following the conflict, Elegos shared the memnis concerning the deaths of Tyris and Halcyon with the Saarai-kaar, enabling her to forgive the Jedi. She also considered the possibility of her and some of the Jensaarai joining Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum.

