Duel on Susevfi

This pivotal conflict on Susevfi transpired near the conclusion of the Clone Wars. During this time, a Jedi team journeyed to Susevfi, endeavoring to redeem a group of Sith cultists, guiding them back to the light side of the Force. However, the cultists vehemently rejected this offer and launched an assault. While the Jedi did slew the Sith, Jedi Master Nejaa Halcyon suffered a fatal wound.



Following the commencement of the war between the Republic and the Separatists, Count Dooku successfully swayed Tyris to join his cause. Dooku promised Tyris access to a Sith holocron that he had previously pilfered from the Jedi Temple. Notably, this particular holocron was frequently consulted by the infamous Anzat Dark Jedi, Volfe Karkko.

The duel

Not long after the Battle of Praesitlyn, a trio of Jedi discovered the training camp and the emerging Jensaarai. Nejaa Halcyon, Ylenic It'kla (who called Tyris Nightsweat), and the one It'kla referred to as "Desertwind" (who was actually Obi-Wan Kenobi) attempted to divert the Dark Jedi from their chosen path, but their efforts were met with resistance. As the Dark Jedi attacked, the Jedi engaged Tyris and his followers in combat. "Desertwind" successfully eliminated his opponent, who appeared to be the leader of the Jensaarai, while Ylenic defeated the Dark Jedi he knew as "Dustrose."

Halcyon, unfortunately, experienced a less favorable outcome than his comrades. Tyris exploited Halcyon's deficiency in telekinetic abilities and impaled him. However, before succumbing to his injuries, Halcyon managed to drain the energy from Tyris's lightsaber and employed the Force to shatter every bone in Tyris' body, resulting in his death. The release of dark side energies that accompanied the demise of the three Jensaarai leaders triggered the collapse of the structure housing the remaining Jensaarai, leading to the death of all but four apprentices. Among the survivors was the wife of one of Tyris' apprentices, the woman who would later assume the role of Saarai-kaar of the Jensaarai.


Following the declaration of the Empire, Obi-Wan Kenobi made his way to Tatooine with the intention of delivering Luke Skywalker to his relatives. On Nar Shaddaa, he encountered Sukarr's daughter, Mei, who harbored a strong desire for vengeance against the individual responsible for her father's death.

The Saarai-Kaar subsequently rebuilt the Jensaarai, but they encountered difficulties in deciphering the Sith writings of Larad Noon. Consequently, they developed practices that bordered on, but did not fully embrace, the dark side of the Force. The Jensaarai eventually forged alliances with the Jedi Order and were regarded as Gray Jedi by the New Jedi Order.

