
Dustrose was the name given by Jedi Knight Ylenic It'kla during the Clone Wars to the female Dark Acolyte who served with Nikkos Tyris. Dustrose, once a Jedi Knight herself, embraced the dark side of the Force following a disastrous mission on Baltizaar. She later established the Jensaarai and aligned herself with the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


Dustrose was identified as Force-sensitive early in her life and subsequently underwent training at the Jedi Order's primary academy, located within the Coruscant Jedi Temple. After achieving the rank of Jedi Knight, Dustrose was sent to Baltizaar leading a group of Jedi Knights with the mission to eradicate the dark side cult known as the Bando Gora. However, the dark-siders proved too powerful, resulting in the deaths of most of the Jedi. The Jedi High Council presumed Dustrose was among those killed. However, she survived, and together with fellow survivor Nikkos Tyris, she succumbed to the dark side and journeyed with the Anzati Jedi's group to Susevfi. On Susevfi, Tyris guided his followers towards the dark side, studying an ancient Sith manuscript to master their forbidden techniques. Tyris's cult, which he named the Jensaarai, became a significant threat, causing concern among both the Jedi High Council and the clandestine Dark Lords of the Sith. As the Clone Wars began between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems in 22 BBY, Dustrose remained dedicated to Tyris. Count Dooku, the leader of the Confederacy and secretly the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, contacted the group. Dooku provided Tyris with a Sith holocron favored by the former Anzati Jedi Volfe Karkko and persuaded the cult leader to join the Separatist cause. The Jensaarai members were given the title of Dark Acolytes within the Separatist Droid Army, and Dustrose was stationed with Tyris on Susevfi during the war's final period.

One month before the war's conclusion, the Jedi Order dispatched Knights Nejaa Halcyon, Ylenic It'kla, and Desertwind with orders to eliminate the Jensaarai leadership. The Jedi attacked their fortress on Susevfi, engaging Tyris, Dustrose, and another loyal follower in combat, intending to remove the Jensaarai from the conflict. During the battle, all three Jensaarai were defeated, with It'kla delivering the final blow to Dustrose.

