Pirgi was a sentry for the New Republic stationed at Rogue Squadron's base located on the planet of Talasea in 6 ABY. He met his death during an Imperial raid on Talasea, an assault intended to destroy Rogue Squadron, a highly skilled starfighter squadron of the New Republic. Following the attack, a service of remembrance was conducted aboard the Reprieve, an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate. Wedge Antilles, the commander leading Rogue Squadron, delivered a eulogy for those who perished. Soon afterward, Pirgi's remains, together with those of the five other sentries and Rogue Squadron pilot Lujayne Forge, were put inside caskets and released to float toward Morobe, the sun of Talasea.
The character Pirgi initially appeared in X-Wing: Rogue Squadron, a novel from 1996 authored by Michael A. Stackpole.