A clash unfolded within the Chorax system in 6 ABY, where Captain Uwlla Iillor of the Galactic Empire laid an ambush for the New Republic starfighter group Rogue Squadron. She utilized the Immobilizer 418 cruiser named Black Asp to extract the squadron from the depths of hyperspace.
Rogue Squadron's journey to their new station on the planet Talasea, situated in the Morobe system, was interrupted in 6 ABY when they were forcibly removed from hyperspace after the group had been reformed.
The combat action commenced when the Imperial Interdictor cruiser known as Black Asp, under the command of Captain Uwlla Iillor, executed a surprise attack on the Baudo-class yacht Pulsar Skate within the Chorax system. The Black Asp caught New Republic-aligned smuggler Mirax Terrik off guard by initiating a hyperspace jump within the system itself, and promptly activated its gravity well projectors to prevent Terrik's escape. Subsequently, a complete squadron of TIE Interceptors was deployed to intercept the heavily modified yacht.
Fortunately for Terrik, Rogue Squadron had charted a course that led them through the Chorax system en route to their fresh base on Talasea, resulting in their extraction from hyperspace by the Black Asp. The Rogues proved superior to the Imperial starfighters and disabled the Black Asp's frontal shields, compelling the Interdictor to retreat. Corran Horn's X-wing, a Rogue pilot, suffered damage from an ion cannon blast originating from the Black Asp, yet he succeeded in restoring limited functionality and eliminated two Interceptors using targeting data supplied by Tycho Celchu's Lambda-class shuttle called Forbidden.
The battle's initial depiction occurred in the 1996 novel titled X-Wing: Rogue Squadron, authored by Michael A. Stackpole.