Uwlla Iillor

Uwlla Iillor stood out as one of the few female Human officers serving within the ranks of the Imperial Navy. As captain, she commanded the Black Asp, an Interdictor cruiser. Ultimately, along with her vessel, she switched her allegiance to the New Republic. The ship was subsequently renamed Corusca Rainbow, and she played a role in the liberation of Coruscant.


Uwlla's forceful nature allowed her to advance within the Empire before Endor, despite the prevalent prejudice against aliens, females and other groups designated as non-humans within the Imperial structure.

Furthermore, Uwlla demonstrated significant ingenuity and a propensity for unconventional thinking. One example of this was her strategy of piloting the Asp to a system's edge, followed by a hyperspace jump to another location within the same system, thus achieving surprise against her target. While the Empire considered this intra-system jump tactic unusual, she adopted it after observing its successful implementation in the Unknown Regions.

Despite some superiors harboring biases due to her gender, her personality and capabilities garnered the respect of others, including Imperial Intelligence Agent Kirtan Loor.

Imperial service

Uwlla Iillor's service included assignments under several alien commanders, notably a period under Thrawn in the Unknown Regions. Her final assignment before her promotion was aboard a Carrack-class cruiser.

Following the Battle of Endor, the Empire's need for capable officers increased, leading to Iillor's promotion to captain and her command of the Black Asp. Such an advancement would have been improbable before the Empire's fragmentation.

The Asp was part of the fleet commanded by Admiral Devlia, responsible for defending the Rachuk sector. Devlia, an officer from the pre-Endor era, held prejudices against Iillor due to her gender and felt uneasy communicating with her.

In 6.5 ABY, Uwlla uncovered information indicating that smuggler Mirax Terrik was using her ship, the Pulsar Skate, to transport supplies to the New Republic. Uwlla attempted to intercept the Skate as it departed the Chorax system with supplies, but the operation was disrupted by a X-wing starfighters squadron.

Uwlla deployed the Asp's TIE/IN interceptors squadrons. However, acknowledging the pilots' limitations, she also directed the Asp's weaponry against the New Republic forces. This action resulted in disabling the X-wing piloted by ace Corran Horn. Nevertheless, the remaining X-wings quickly forced her to retreat by launching a barrage of combined torpedoes that collapsed the Black Asp's shields and destroyed two turbolaser batteries. Unwilling to endure such heavy attacks, Iillor ordered a retreat, recovering her remaining TIEs before jumping to hyperspace.

Through intercepted communications and visual data, Uwlla identified the fighters as belonging to Rogue Squadron, an elite New Republic Defense Force squadron led by Commander Wedge Antilles.

While Devlia believed the attack was a planned ambush on the Black Asp, Uwlla correctly determined that the Asp's gravity well projectors had accidentally pulled the starfighters out of hyperspace. Kirtan Loor, tasked with eliminating Rogue Squadron, agreed with Uwlla's assessment over Devlia's.

Shortly after the Second Battle of Borleias, Uwlla received orders to ambush and capture Bror Jace, who was traveling alone to his home planet of Thyferra to visit his dying family patriarch. Although Jace arrived as anticipated and the Black Asp intercepted him out of hyperspace, his X-wing appeared to explode during the engagement, preventing Uwlla from capturing him alive.

Defection to the New Republic

Following the Second Battle of Borleias, Uwlla formally protested the transfer of her flight operations officer, but Imperial command ignored it. This, combined with Imperial Intelligence's interference with her command, motivated Uwlla and her staff to defect to the New Republic.

Uwlla brought the Black Asp with her, which was then renamed the Corusca Rainbow. New Republic and Provisional Council officials viewed this name as a positive sign. This defection provided the New Republic Defense Force with its first Interdictor cruiser.

Despite her Imperial past, Uwlla gained the trust of Admiral Ackbar. She received clearance from General Airen Cracken, and his team collaborated with her staff to create an operational Alliance crew, including the Mon Calamari First Officer Lieutenant Jhemiti.

Uwlla was placed in a position of trust and importance immediately after her defection. This demonstrated the difference between the Galactic Empire and the New Republic, inspiring her to serve the New Republic even more effectively.

Battle of Coruscant

Immediately after her defection, Uwlla and the Corusca Rainbow were assigned a critical role in the Seizure of Coruscant.

The Interdictor cruiser was the first New Republic ship to enter the Coruscant system. It remained at the system's outer edges, monitoring Imperial Center's shields while Rogue Squadron attempted to disable them on the planet's surface. Uwlla's task was to observe the shields. If they remained active when the battle was scheduled to begin, she was to use her gravity well projectors to prematurely pull the fleet out of hyperspace. If the shields were down, she was to allow the assault to proceed as planned.

Uwlla displayed considerable caution during the battle, cautioning the Corusca Rainbow crew against complacency. Most of the crew were confident that Rogue Squadron would succeed, making them less prepared to activate the gravity well projectors. Having previously fought the elite squadron, she shared their confidence, but she still insisted on readiness.

Even as the shields began to fail, Uwlla waited until they had completely collapsed, five seconds before the New Republic fleet was due to jump into the system, before deciding not to activate the projectors. The fleet entered the system as planned, ultimately capturing the planet.

Post-Coruscant service

Following the successful operation, Uwlla and the Corusca Rainbow continued their service to the New Republic.

During the trial of Tycho Celchu, who was accused of murdering Corran Horn, Uwlla testified about her role in the attempt to capture Bror Jace. Her testimony, confirming that the Black Asp received specific orders regarding the timing and location of Jace's arrival, strengthened the case against Celchu presented by attorney Halla Ettyk.

