Halla Ettyk was a commander within the New Republic, a criminal prosecutor, and a female Human hailing from Alderaan. She fought against the Galactic Empire during the era of the Galactic Civil War. She avoided the destruction of her home planet by the Death Star because she was off-world, attempting to depose a witness. The annihilation of her peaceful world galvanized her decision to join the Alliance shortly thereafter.
Ettyk advanced through the intelligence organizations of General Airen Cracken, eventually achieving the rank of Commander. Around 7 ABY, while stationed on the recently liberated capital planet of Coruscant, Ettyk accepted the role of prosecutor for the New Republic Armed Forces in the trial of Tycho Celchu, the executive officer of Rogue Squadron.
The commander presented what appeared to be overwhelming proof that Captain Celchu was responsible for the death of his fellow Rogue, Corran Horn, and for committing treason against the new government. This politically charged case, used by the government to demonstrate their equal treatment of Human and alien criminals amidst the Krytos virus crisis, seemed almost impossible for the defense attorney, Flight officer Nawara Ven, to win, especially given that Ettyk relied primarily on circumstantial evidence.
However, Ettyk ultimately dropped all charges when Horn successfully escaped from the Imperial prison Lusankya, and Cracken revealed his own awareness of Celchu's innocence.
Despite a seven year hiatus from prosecuting cases, Ettyk demonstrated her capabilities as a formidable lawyer. Her confidence in winning the case using only circumstantial evidence to establish Celchu's guilt highlighted her exceptional legal skills.