Asyr Sei'lar was a Bothan pilot (a female one, specifically) who served with distinction in Rogue Squadron, which was part of the New Republic Defense Force. Furthermore, she and Gavin Darklighter were romantically involved for a significant period. The name Asyr comes from a type of Bothawui flower.
In her younger years, Sei'lar defied her parents' wishes and enrolled in the Bothan Martial Academy. There, she received flight combat training alongside Peshk Vri'syk, who would also become a Rogue Squadron pilot. Despite their equal skill levels during their training, Vri'syk's graduation occurred one year prior to Sei'lar's, which allowed him to join the prestigious squadron before she did.

Later, she found herself on Coruscant, where she became a member of the Alien Combine, an anti-Human group. It was there that she first encountered Tatooinian Rogue Squadron pilot Gavin Darklighter. Initially, she mistook him for an anti-Alien prejudiced individual and handed him over to the Combine for execution; however, she later changed her mind and joined the Rogues. She fought on their side during the liberation of Coruscant, and she and Gavin soon developed a romantic relationship.
For a number of years, she continued her service with Rogue Squadron, including flying missions during the Krytos threat. Later, along with the rest of the Rogues, she resigned to participate in the Bacta War against Ysanne Isard's control of Thyferra. She survived Thrawn's campaign against the New Republic, becoming a source of immense pride for her home planet, Bothawui.
Her relationship with Gavin Darklighter eventually led to complications, as Borsk Fey'lya, a fellow Bothan and New Republic Senator, opposed it due to Darklighter's Human heritage. When Sei'lar submitted the necessary documents to initiate adoption proceedings for a Bothan orphan, Fey'lya voiced his objections, arguing that such interspecies relationships would negatively influence the Bothan people. Fey'lya suggested that Asyr might have a brighter future leading her own squadron back on Bothawui and possibly finding a more suitable partner from one of Fey'lya's own clan. However, if Sei'lar refused, Fey'lya threatened to use his considerable political power to deny her adoption requests and hinder any further career advancement.
During Ysanne Isard's resurgence, Sei'lar was believed to have perished in the Battle of Distna during the campaign to remove Prince-Admiral Delak Krennel from power in the Ciutric Hegemony. In reality, she survived and, with assistance from Booster Terrik, resolved to operate undercover, working towards societal changes within Bothan culture. However, as late as 25 ABY, Gavin still believed her to be deceased. Sei'lar maintained contact with Iella Wessiri for a few years, until the reappearance of the reborn Emperor.