Folor Base, situated within the Commenor system, functioned as a training installation for the New Republic. Initially established by the Alliance to Restore the Republic, this base was under the leadership of General Horton Salm around 6.5 ABY, followed by General Edor Crespin until its decommissioning in 8 ABY.
Folor Base served as a training ground for both of Wedge Antilles' squadrons, namely the revamped Rogues and the experimental Wraiths, in addition to Defender Wing, Blue Squadron, and various other units. During the Hunt for Zsinj, Commander Varth's squadron was stationed at Folor Base before being redeployed towards the Core Worlds for defense. The base was ideally suited for starfighter training due to its nearness to the Pig Trough and the demanding flight conditions presented by Folor's asteroid belt.
Two Rebel transports provided logistical support to the base, which also featured a secondary, automated facility situated 180 degrees around the moon's equator. This remote facility could have its beacons and electronics activated remotely, with the intention of drawing potential attackers away from the well-concealed main base located beneath the moon's surface. This tactic successfully deceived Admiral Apwar Trigit for a crucial period during the battle, enabling the pilots stationed at Folor Base to evacuate before the base was abandoned and destroyed in 7 ABY.