Apwar Trigit

Apwar Trigit was once an officer within the Imperial military, but he later chose to side with the Warlord known as Zsinj. Trigit, a slender Human, was recognizable in his later years by his black beard and hair that were turning gray. He also wore a self-designed uniform of black and silver.


The details of Trigit's life before his departure from the Imperial Starfleet in the year 7 ABY are not well-documented, although it is known that he fathered several children. Following the presumed death of Ysanne Isard, Trigit, along with his ship and its crew, deserted the Empire. He then offered his services, along with his Imperial-class Star Destroyer, the Implacable, to Zsinj. He was given the title of "admiral," but considering the high number of self-proclaimed warlords, his independent nature, and the fact that he only commanded a single starship, it is unlikely that this was the rank he officially held within the Imperial Starfleet.

Trigit provided intelligence to agents of the New Republic and lured Talon Squadron into an ambush, decimating their forces down to a single starfighter. Overconfident, Trigit initiated the Battle of Folor, but Wraith Squadron, recently formed and stationed there, had discovered the Implacable's docking at Commenor and managed to escape destruction. Trigit also successfully avoided a New Republic trap in the Morobe system, which resulted in the capture of the Provocateur and Constrictor.

Under Zsinj's orders, Trigit directed the Implacable to Ession to take delivery of a shipment of TIE Fighters from the Pakkerd Light Transport facility. The Night Caller, an Imperial corvette secretly controlled by Wraith Squadron commandos in disguise, escorted the Implacable. This time, Trigit would not evade capture. Wraith Squadron launched their surprise attack and engaged the Implacable. Falynn Sandskimmer disabled the ship by destroying its power cells, prompting Trigit to activate the self-destruct sequence and escape the Star Destroyer in a modified TIE/IN interceptor. Pursued by General Edor Crespin and Lieutenant Myn Donos, Trigit refused to surrender. Crespin eliminated the admiral's escort fighters, and Donos, the only surviving member of Talon Squadron, accurately predicted Trigit's flight path and destroyed his fighter using a pair of proton torpedoes.

