Ession, a planet situated within the Corporate Sector, existed where the Shaltin Tunnels and the Lucaya Cross hyperlanes intersected. Its initial settlement occurred circa 4000 BBY. This location was a hub for industrial manufacturing and served as the central headquarters for Pakkerd Light Transport, which was previously a division of Sienar Fleet Systems.
Approximately four millennia prior to the Battle of Endor, Ession, the fourth planet of the Lucaya system, was colonized. Over time, it developed into a significant industrial production hub, maintaining neutrality throughout the Galactic Civil War. The warlord Zsinj established the Pakkerd Light Transport Company on this world, producing TIE Fighters for his military operations. He dispatched the Night Caller, controlled by Wraith Squadron, to safeguard the Implacable during the delivery of its first batch of these new starfighters. However, the New Republic successfully deployed three squadrons of X-wings aboard the Blood Nest, disabling the Pakkerd factory before the TIEs could be launched. The Republic forces also destroyed the Implacable.
On Ession, among other planets, Roa made contact with the Ryn. Furthermore, it served as the base of operations for the Ession Freedom Front, a radical revolutionary organization.