The vessel known as the Ession Strike, initially christened the Night Caller, represented a customized variant of the CR90 corvette.
In its original configuration, the Night Caller housed four TIE/LN starfighters within its frontal cargo bay. Furthermore, it featured a powerful tractor beam projector in lieu of a standard turbolaser turret. A notable alteration involved the removal of the typical deck situated between the hangar and the bridge, an area typically reserved for opulent accommodations.
These particular alterations were implemented during the ship's construction phase rather than as a post-production modification. This fact implies that the Night Caller, alongside the similarly altered Constrictor, could be categorized as a distinct sub-type within the CR90 corvette class.
Zurel Darillian served as the captain of the Night Caller while it was under the command of Warlord Zsinj. However, Wraith Squadron successfully captured it at Xobome in 7 ABY. Subsequently, Wraith Squadron members impersonated the ship's crew, adhering to its scheduled itinerary, which included the strategic deployment of empion mines along designated Hyperlanes.
Following its acquisition by Wraith Squadron, the four TIE fighters were relocated and re-secured onto the escape pod supports. Both cargo bays underwent a refit to accommodate the squadron's complement of X-wings. In addition to standard launch capabilities, the fighters positioned within the forward bay could function as stationary proton torpedo launchers, discharging munitions through the open forward cargo bay door. This tactic was known as the Loran Spitball.
Within the New Republic's service, Choday Hrakness held command of the Night Caller until his demise during the Battle of Talasea. At that point, Atril Tabanne, the executive officer, assumed command of the vessel.
After the destruction of Apwar Trigit's Star Destroyer, the Implacable, at the Battle of Ession, the corvette was renamed the Ession Strike. It was then assigned to General Solo's fleet with the mission to neutralize Zsinj's formidable flagship, the Iron Fist.