The Loran Spitball represents a specific strategy conceived by Wraith Squadron for deployment exclusively from their base of operations, the customized CR90 corvette known as the Night Caller.
This maneuver, originating from the mind of Wraith pilot Lieutenant Garik Loran around 7 ABY, consisted of depressurizing and opening the forward bay of the corvette. This bay had been reconfigured to house nine X-wing starfighters, a significant increase from the four TIE/LN starfighters it previously accommodated under the command of Warlord Zsinj (itself a modification of the standard Corellian Corvette design). The fighters then acted as stationary launch platforms for torpedoes, enabling the corvette to fire up to eighteen proton torpedoes in a single offensive.
This strategy saw implementation in two documented instances: initially during the Battle of Talasea, marking its inception, and subsequently at the Battle of Ession.