Zurel Darillian was a Captain in the Imperial Navy, a Human male who decided to join Warlord Zsinj sometime after the Battle of Endor.
Darillian, formerly an officer of Imperial Intelligence hailing from Coruscant, was the commander of the CR90 corvette Night Caller, which had been extensively modified. Despite the mundane nature of his work, Darillian possessed a significant ego, evident in his practice of maintaining his logs in a completely holographic format. Captain Darillian's last visit to Coruscant occurred exactly two years, seven months, and six days prior to the Battle of Ession. He was essentially banished from his homeworld after the New Republic seized control of the planet from former Director of Imperial Intelligence Ysanne Isard following its lost. Furthermore, his wife died when the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Lusankya ascended from its subterranean dock on Coruscant, obliterating the Darillian residence.
Under Zsinj's command, his main tasks involved conducting diplomatic missions to allied planets and corporations, as well as approaching organizations that Zsinj aimed to enlist into his dominion. In addition, Night Caller was among the vessels that Zsinj, and later Admiral Trigit, tasked with deploying empion mines and examining their activation. His last assignment, a standard investigation into a mine's detonation, led Night Caller into a confrontation with Wraith Squadron.
While Night Caller was scanning an abandoned X-wing, Voort saBinring, a Wraith pilot, infiltrated the corvette via a cargo pod, equipped with a modified X-wing laser cannon. The cannon's destructive force surpassed the Wraiths' estimates. When saBinring discharged it into the deck above the hangar, it blasted a passage straight through to the bridge. Captain Darillian was directly in the path of the blast and was killed instantly.
Although Darillian himself was reduced to a mess on his bridge's ceiling, Garik Loran impersonated him throughout the Battle of Ession with the goal of gathering intelligence about Zsinj.