Empion mine

The Empion mine functioned as a deep-space trap, engineered to yank vessels out of hyperspace and render them inoperable; more information is available about space mines here.

This mine was composed of five distinct elements: a suite of sensors designed to identify ships traveling through hyperspace; a mass shadow coupled with a gravity well projector used to forcibly extract ships from lightspeed; a system that emitted an electromagnetic pulse to shut down electronic systems; an ion projector that generated a continuous ion beam to incapacitate ships; and a hyperwave transceiver used to notify the minelaying vessel of successful detonations.

After the Folor training base was abandoned, Wraith Squadron encountered an Empion mine. This mine had been deployed by the CR90 corvette named Night Caller along a likely escape path from the moon. However, the squadron, recently formed, was able to devise a plan to seize the corvette before it could capture them. The Wraiths then used the corvette to retrieve the remaining mines, ensuring that other New Republic ships would not fall victim to these weapons.

