Myn Donos

Myn Donos, a male Human hailing from Corellia, distinguished himself as an X-wing pilot. His service spanned across Talon, Wraith and Rogue Squadrons, with his contributions during the pursuit of Warlord Zsinj being especially noteworthy.


Even amidst the famously unlucky members of Wraith Squadron, Donos's history before joining was particularly harrowing. Serving as a sniper within the Corellian Armed Forces, he honed his skills into those of a focused marksman. However, a growing sense of unease plagued him, stemming from the lack of opportunity he afforded his targets before engaging them.

Seeking to escape his internal conflict, Donos enlisted in Starfighter Command, rapidly advancing to the rank of lieutenant within a year. Soon after, he was brevetted to Captain and placed in command of Talon Squadron upon completing his training. After Talon Squadron was decimated in an Imperial ambush at Gravan Seven—Donos being the only one to survive—he was temporarily sidelined. However, Wedge Antilles took notice of him when Antilles and Wes Janson began forming the unique commando/pilot squadron that would become Wraith Squadron. Janson advocated for the inclusion of the pilot, driven by both empathy and respect for Donos's abilities.

Myn Donos with the Wraith Squadron.

Before his time with the New Republic military, Donos received the Corellian Bloodstripe from the Corellian military in recognition of his extraordinary bravery, but he ceased wearing it following the tragedy at Gravan Seven. Haunted by the loss of his pilots, Donos was withdrawn and somber during his initial period with the Wraiths, where he operated as Wraith Nine and served as the squadron's marksman. Falynn Sandskimmer, a resilient pilot from Tatooine, attempted to support him through his grief, and a strong mutual attraction developed between them.

Donos developed a profound bond with his Astromech droid, affectionately known as Shiner- he began to consider the droid as "the last Talon" as it, too, had survived the ambush. Consequently, Myn felt an overwhelming need to shield Shiner from any danger. When the squadron was struck by an Empion mine and Shiner was disabled, Donos became unresponsive to all other communication until the droid was repaired.

During the conflict above M2398, Shiner was destroyed in a pirate raid. The aftermath of this event caused Donos to enter a near-catatonic state, refusing to acknowledge or interact with his surroundings. Ton Phanan, Wraith's medical officer, attributed this to a "concussion" sustained during the battle to protect Donos' career. Eventually, the other Wraiths devised a method to break Donos out of his condition- by immersing him in a Flight simulator recreation of the Gravan Seven mission. Enraged, Donos lashed out at his squadron mates, expressing his anguish at not having perished alongside the rest of Talon Squadron. Through the combined efforts of Kell Tainer and Tyria Sarkin, Donos was persuaded that he could better honor their memory by continuing to fight against the forces that had taken their lives. This experience enabled Donos to confront his emotions rather than suppress them, and he finally began to reciprocate Falynn Sandskimmer's affection, leading to a relationship shortly thereafter.

In the engagement that resulted in the destruction of the Implacable above Ession, Donos witnessed the deaths of both Sandskimmer and fellow Wraith Eurrsk Thri'ag. During this same battle, he achieved some retribution for the loss of Talon Squadron. Spotting Apwar Trigit's customized TIE/In starfighter fleeing the doomed vessel, he partnered with General Edor Crespin to pursue him. After Trigit initially refused to surrender, Donos launched two proton torpedoes, denying Trigit a second chance after his escort of two TIEs was eliminated. Trigit's starfighter was destroyed, resulting in the Admiral's death.

When new Wraith Lara Notsil received a message from her long-lost sibling Tavin, Donos surmised that Warlord Zsinj had contacted Tavin and manipulated him into reaching out to Lara as a means of harming the Wraiths (at the time Donos was unaware that Lara Notsil was actually an Imperial operative named Gara Petothel, or that she was the one who had given Trigit the information needed to destroy Talon Squadron.) Donos traveled to Aldivy alongside Lara to reunite with her brother, resuming his role as a sniper to provide cover from a distance. When Tavin and his escort drew weapons on Lara, Donos fatally shot them both. He was ignorant of the true circumstances- Lara had initially contacted Zsinj herself, but ultimately chose to reject Zsinj's service and remain with Wraith Squadron; the sudden deaths of both agents ensured her secret remained hidden.

Soon after, Donos began to develop feelings for Lara Notsil, who appeared to reciprocate his affections. When Garik Loran inadvertently exposed her deception to the Wraiths at Kidriff 5, Donos attempted to kill her, but nearly destroyed Loran instead. Antilles chose to record the firing of Donos's weapons as "accidental", on the condition that Donos receive medical and psychiatric care. With the support of his friends and comrades, Donos recovered from his emotional crisis and rejoined the squadron as they prepared to engage Zsinj near Selaggis. During the battle, Donos urged the starfighter group to cease their attack on the Iron Fist (Executor-class) due to an impending ambush; Commander Wedge Antilles initially feared this was a sign Donos had relapsed into mental trauma over Talon Squadron. In reality, Donos had recalled a training exercise from his early career where Warlord Zsinj had lured starfighters into an asteroid field and opened fire on the surrounding asteroids, decimating the attackers. Thanks to his warning, the New Republic forces were able to avoid Zsinj's trap and launch a direct assault on the Iron Fist.

Following the confrontation with Zsinj at Selaggis Six, Myn accepted a position with Rogue Squadron, opting to fly rather than remain with the Wraiths who joined New Republic Intelligence.

Donos served with the Rogues during the Thrawn campaign and participated in the Battle of Bilbringi that resulted in Thrawn's demise. Rogue Squadron was then deployed to the Hegemony theater, where they fought against Prince-Admiral Delak Krennel, a warlord and leader of the Ciutric Hegemony. Donos fought in the Battle of Distna, where he and most of the squadron were presumed dead. However, they were in fact rescued by TIE Defender squadrons commanded by Colonel Broak Vessery, an Imperial loyal to Ysanne Isard. Isard formed an alliance with Rogue Squadron against Krennel, and arranged for them to use TIE Defenders to infiltrate Krennel's forces. Donos participated in the subsequent Battle of Ciutric, which led to the deaths of Krennel and a clone of Isard, as well as the liberation of General Jan Dodonna and other prisoners.

Following the end of the Zsinj campaign, Donos and Petothel—who had adopted the name "Kirney Slane"—married, and by 40 ABY they had established a transport business called "Donoslane Excursions" on Corellia. By the year 44 ABY, they had had at least two children.

Behind the scenes

The appearance of Myn Donos was modeled after Bradley Wayne Hanson, a friend of Star Wars artist Joe Corroney.

