Tavin Notsil

Tavin Notsil, hailing from Aldivy, was a male Human.

He was the sibling of Lara Notsil, and both resided in New Oldtown. Tavin, a character of questionable repute, was meant to be incarcerated in the town's jail when the Imperial-class Star Destroyer named Implacable obliterated New Oldtown. Though believed to have perished, he had in reality evaded death by colluding with the town constable to depart the city and secure employment in the navy under a false identity.

When Gara Petothel impersonated Lara Notsil to rejoin Zsinj's military, General Melvar found Tavin and employed him as a means of contacting Petothel. He waited for her in a pre-built structure set up amidst the remnants of New Oldtown, in the company of Captain Todrin Rossik.

Petothel arrived at their meeting place, but declined Rossik's proposition. Myn Donos, positioned as a sniper nearby, eliminated Tavin Notsil as Petothel dispatched Rossik with a blaster.

