
title: Melvar

General Melvar served as the chief lieutenant to Warlord Zsinj.


Originating from Kuat as a Human male, and bearing a common Human family name, Melvar held an intense devotion to Emperor Palpatine. His loyalty to the Galactic Empire was so extreme that it was considered a "Patriotic psychosis".

Initially a member of Destab, he was deemed a "tactical liability" and reassigned to the Internal Counterintelligence Branch aboard the Iron Fist.

Upon Zsinj's defection, Melvar, despite his relative youth, rose to become his foremost General. He had a habit of surprising Zsinj, a behavior the warlord found, at best, annoying. Mirroring Zsinj's tactics, he relished deceiving his adversaries. His typically unremarkable appearance (Zsinj believed he maintained numerous false identities across various planets) could transform into a savage and sadistic visage. According to Gara Petothel, he possessed "the most cruel features ever witnessed on a Human being."

Melvar was also known for his extreme sadism, which included the removal of his fingernails and their replacement with cuticle implants, providing him with an immediate torture implement and leaving him with multiple scars on his face. It remained ambiguous whether these nails and scars were genuine or part of his deceptive performances. His demeanor around the warlord was always plain, and the nails were only observed when he was with his enemies.

His duties also extended to Zsinj's intelligence operations. Following Han Solo's capture by the Nightsisters, Melvar arrived to formally take custody of Solo, accompanied by a transport shuttle intended to remove the Nightsisters from Dathomir. Gethzerion offered her gratitude in a unique manner—by inflicting death upon him.

