Captain Todrin Rossik, a slender, blond-haired Human male hailing from the planet Coruscant, was a member of Warlord [Zsinj]'s military. Rossik received orders to go with Tavin Notsil on a mission to Aldivy for a meeting with Gara Petothel.
While the meeting was underway, Rossik noticed Myn Donos, Petothel's bodyguard, positioned suspiciously outside the building. Rossik, believing that the New Republic likely had his image on file, resolved to kill Donos and bring Petothel aboard the Iron Fist. However, Petothel alerted her associate, signaling that something was amiss.
Donos eliminated Notsil with a well-placed sniper shot, and Petothel used her blaster to fatally shoot Rossik.