Falynn Sandskimmer, a female Human hailing from the desert planet of Tatooine, distinguished herself as a pilot of starfighters within the New Republic's Starfighter Command. Despite her exceptional skill as an ace in a Y-wing starfighter, her record was marred by repeated acts of defiance. Consequently, she was among the initial recruits for Wraith Squadron in 7 ABY. Sandskimmer's selection stemmed from her expertise with ground vehicles alongside her aptitude for piloting both TIE fighters and X-wings. Furthermore, she assumed responsibility for procuring resources for the Wraiths whenever their support personnel were unavailable. During her time with Wraith Squadron, Sandskimmer found herself drawn to a fellow Wraith, Myn Donos, though their feelings never evolved into a formal relationship.
Sandskimmer's tenure with Wraith Squadron involved her participation in the evacuation of Folor Base and the Wraiths' subsequent capture of the CR90 corvette, known as the Night Caller. The squadron then utilized the Night Caller to execute clandestine operations against various holdings and outposts belonging to Warlord Zsinj and Apwar Trigit, masquerading as the ship's crew. These missions culminated in the Battle of Ession against the Imperial-class Star Destroyer named Implacable. During this battle, Sandskimmer flew her craft directly into the hull of the Star Destroyer to attack it from the inside. Tragically, she was trapped within the vessel and perished when the Implacable crashed onto a nearby moon.
Born on Tatooine in 12 BBY, Falynn Sandskimmer was a female Human characterized by her fair complexion and dark brown hair. She spent her formative years in the spaceport city of Mos Eisley, located on the planet's surface. Living in poverty, Sandskimmer resorted to theft to survive. She even contracted Bunkurd Sewer Disorder due to her proximity to the dilapidated sewers of Mos Eisley. Her life was also filled with adventure, including an ill-fated canyon run in a skiff that resulted in a broken collarbone.
Eventually, Sandskimmer departed Tatooine and enlisted in the New Republic. She joined the New Republic Defense Force as a pilot after completing her studies at the New Republic Academy. Sandskimmer began her piloting career with BTL Y-wing starfighters, participating in combat and earning the title of ace by achieving five confirmed aerial victories. Although she was promoted to lieutenant twice, these advancements were revoked due to her persistent insubordination towards officers she deemed unworthy of respect.
By 7 ABY, Sandskimmer's career had reached a nadir when she was chosen as a prospective pilot for a new unit. Consequently, she was transported to Folor Base for an evaluation. Wedge Antilles, her interviewer, was impressed by her exceptional piloting skills but also took note of her history of insubordination. When questioned about Luke Skywalker, Sandskimmer stated that she had never met the Jedi and had no desire to do so. In her view, Skywalker's legacy cast an overwhelming shadow on Tatooine pilots, setting an unattainable standard for her to meet.
Sandskimmer excelled in the initial selection process designed by Antilles, the commander of what would become Wraith Squadron, achieving the second-highest score among the ten pilots chosen. As a result, she was selected as one of the pilots for the newly formed squadron, initially named Gray Squadron. Given her proficiency with ground vehicles, she was also assigned the responsibility of managing acquisitions until the unit secured a dedicated support crew. During the subsequent phase of training, Sandskimmer was designated Gray Three. However, acceptance into the squadron did not guarantee readiness for combat, and Antilles maintained a demanding regimen of exercises and simulated missions.

In one operation, the sensors on the X-wings of Sandskimmer and her fellow pilots malfunctioned the moment they targeted Sandskimmer's mark, Sandskimmer, along with many others, was unable to land a successful hit. Accepting this setback, she remained optimistic, understanding that more opportunities would arise. Following this, she joined other pilots surrounding the quiet Myn Donos in the DownTime tapcafe, trying to elicit a smile from him. Eventually, they succeeded in engaging him in conversation. Sandskimmer observed that Donos's readiness to sacrifice himself for his comrades made him superior to some other pilots, contradicting her feelings for the Corellian. However, Donos, still affected by the loss of his Talon Squadron, was emotionally unavailable and unaware of Sandskimmer's affections.
During a breakfast gathering, Sandskimmer overheard Lieutenant Wes Janson, the squadron's executive officer, declare Wedge Antilles as the greatest pilot of all time. Sandskimmer voiced her disagreement, arguing that Antilles was too advanced in age to be an effective pilot. Consequently, Antilles led her to a pair of old repulsorlift ore haulers and challenged her to a race through a lunar fissure called the Pig Trough. Despite remaining close behind and even surpassing him at times, Antilles secured victory by landing his hauler atop hers, pushing her back. Sandskimmer protested, accusing him of cheating, but Antilles reminded her that combat had no rules, prompting her to acknowledge the need to learn deceptive tactics.
Shortly thereafter, the newly formed Wraith Squadron was thrust into action when Admiral Apwar Trigit brought his Implacable to assault Folor Base. In the subsequent Battle of Folor, Sandskimmer and the Wraiths, alongside another unit of RZ-1 A-wing interceptors, provided cover for the GR-75 medium transports as they evacuated from the base. This resulted in a clash between the New Republic squadrons and a full wing of Imperial fighters. Their efforts proved successful, and after the last transport escaped, they jumped to hyperspace toward a designated rendezvous point, Doldrums.
However, while en route to Doldrums, the squadron and their support shuttle, the Narra, were forcibly removed from hyperspace by the gravity well projector of an ambush weapon later identified as an "empion mine." This also disabled their starfighters and astromechs. Sandskimmer and most of the squadron received orders to seek shelter on the nearby planet of Xobome 6 to conduct urgent repairs on the incapacitated fighters. Although the environment was harsh, it offered concealment and an atmosphere suitable for repairs. Meanwhile, Antilles and demolitions expert Kell Tainer prepared an ambush vehicle called the Lunatic to lure the approaching enemy vessel. Indeed, a modified CR90 corvette affiliated with Trigit and Warlord Zsinj, the Night Caller, arrived to investigate the mine's explosion. The Night Caller pulled the Lunatic into its cargo hold, unaware that Gamorrean Wraith Voort saBinring was hidden inside. As saBinring stormed the ship's bridge with a modified laser cannon, the Wraiths in their starfighters swiftly eliminated the two TIE/LN starfighters deployed by the Night Caller. After saBinring secured the crew's surrender, the Wraiths seized control of the ship and used it to return to New Republic territory. Furthermore, Wedge Antilles devised a long-term deception plan, with the Wraiths impersonating the crew of the Night Caller to conduct strikes and gather intelligence on Trigit's and Zsinj's operations.
During one of their initial missions while posing as the crew of the Night Caller, Commander Antilles and Falynn Sandskimmer piloted the two captured TIE fighters over the capital of Viamarr 4, a struggling agricultural world loosely aligned with Zsinj. The mission plan contained in the Night Caller's computers provided no further instructions for their visit, but Sandskimmer and Antilles were surprised when two antiquated Z-95 Headhunters challenged them. Before the situation escalated into combat, the planetary authorities ordered the Headhunters to stand down, relieving Sandskimmer, who was reluctant to destroy the clearly inexperienced pilots. Sandskimmer and Antilles proceeded to fly over the governmental buildings, prompting the planetary governor to contact the Night Caller. Upon returning to the corvette, Sandskimmer and Antilles learned that, through former actor and current Wraith Garik Loran, the governor sought to discuss a partnership with Zsinj. Subsequently, Loran employed more elaborate deceptions to enhance his impersonations of Captain Zurel Darillian, the Night Caller's former commander, and other crew members. The warlord appeared to be forging secret alliances with worlds in exchange for protection.
After Antilles received authorization to continue the charade, Sandskimmer devoted much of her time aboard the Night Caller to training in a TIE fighter simulator, aiming to gain recognition by flying TIE missions alongside Antilles. However, piloting missions were not the sole activities the Wraiths undertook while disguised as the Night Caller's crew.
On Xartun, Garik Loran impersonated an Imperial lieutenant meeting with planetary officials, touring a manufacturing complex owned by Zsinj. Following Loran's visit, Sandskimmer and the other Wraiths infiltrated the complex with the intention of destroying it. While Kell Tainer planted explosives, they were attacked by Imperial probe droids. The Wraiths managed to destroy the droids, but the local garrison was alerted. Converging on the vehicle hangar, Sandskimmer remotely activated a landspeeder and sent it towards a group of Imperial troops and two TIE fighters guarding the hangar. With the distraction in place, the remaining Wraiths boarded a cargo skiff, which Falynn piloted out of the hangar. To overcome the TIEs, Sandskimmer rammed the cargo skiff into the first one, then had Wedge Antilles use the electromagnets attached to the cargo skiff to drag the TIE fighters behind them. As they escaped the complex, Antilles released the two dragged starfighters into the tree line, destroying them as the Wraiths returned to the Narra with the facility exploding in their wake.
Following the successful mission on Xartun, the Wraiths continued to masquerade as loyal crew members of Zsinj aboard the Night Caller, secretly launching covert operations after the corvette departed the system. Consequently, Sandskimmer participated in raids on Belthu and the M2398 system. In the latter location, the Wraiths scrambled when they were ambushed by a group of pirates operating in the system. For several tense moments, Sandskimmer and Antilles, both in TIE fighters, were the only starfighters defending the Night Caller until the rest of the squadron could deploy their X-wings from the ship's hold. Sandskimmer engaged a group of Uglies emerging from the pirate base Blood Nest, though she failed to achieve an aerial kill; her target surrendered first. The Wraiths easily defeated the remaining pirates' diverse force, but Wraith Jesmin Ackbar was killed in action when she lost control of her fighter. Furthermore, Myn Donos became catatonic due to the loss of his astromech, Shiner, whom Donos had come to regard as the last member of Talon Squadron. The remaining pirates surrendered to Antilles, and Sandskimmer and Eurrsk Thri'ag were assigned to guard them while Antilles decided their fate. Ultimately, they were transferred to the Night Caller as prisoners, and the Wraiths seized the rest of their supplies.
With Donos in a stupor, Sandskimmer and other Wraiths devised a plan to help him confront his grief before his career ended. Collaborating with Loran, Tainer, and Tyria Sarkin, Sandskimmer and the others subjected Donos to a simulated recreation of his squadron's destruction. While impersonating the pilots of Talon Squadron, they urged him to fight to avenge his fallen comrades and to embrace life instead of wishing for death. After Donos affirmed his love for life, they concluded the mission, provoking the Corellian pilot's anger. However, Sandskimmer and the others reasoned with him, enabling him to begin his emotional recovery. Additionally, Donos admitted to Sandskimmer that he had been rejecting her advances. As he returned to his quarters for some sleep, Sandskimmer discreetly followed him to ensure his safe arrival.
As the squadron recovered from the pirate ambush, Zsinj contacted the Night Caller, ordering them to assist Admiral Trigit in engaging the Alliance at Talasea. Prior to the attack, the corvette was scheduled to rendezvous with one of Zsinj's supply ships, the Hawkbat. Furthermore, the Night Caller was supposed to be carrying four TIE fighters; the two that the Wraiths had destroyed during the initial seizure had yet to be replaced. To address these needs, the squadron planned a mission to the Imperial world of Storinal, where the Hawkbat was scheduled to stop before the rendezvous, to find a way to spread a contagious disease on the Hawkbat while acquiring two more fighters.
Upon their arrival on Storinal, all of the Wraiths were disguised, and the unit was divided according to mission tasks. Assuming the identity of "Honiten," a native of the formerly-Imperial world Bakura, Sandskimmer, along with saBinring and Lieutenant Atril Tabanne of the Night Caller, posed as a bodyguard for Janson, who was impersonating an expatriate Bakuran senator. Their objective was to acquire the two starfighters needed to carry out a successful deception at Talasea. Due to Janson's conspicuous disguise, Tabanne and Sandskimmer were chosen to conduct the initial reconnaissance. After completing the initial reconnaissance, members from each mission group, including Sandskimmer, convened at a local establishment, the Howler. She reported that four TIEs were kept constantly ready in a nearby bunker at the spaceport. In response, Antilles instructed her to investigate the facility that evening, with Donos providing discreet cover using his laser rifle; he had previously served as a sniper in the Corellian Defense Force. Before leaving the Howler, Kell Tainer played a prank on her by informing the establishment that she and Gamorrean Voort saBinring were celebrating their fifth wedding marker. Sandskimmer initially reacted negatively, but saBinring pointed out that her reaction stemmed from her aversion to the idea of marrying a Gamorrean. Embarrassed, she admitted he was right, apologized for offending saBinring, and willingly accompanied him outside the bar, holding hands.
That evening, Sandskimmer easily gained access to the roof of the bunker, where the door used by the TIE fighters to exit was located. While awaiting the door to open, she fell asleep. Upon awakening as it opened, she was able to observe the interior of the TIE hangar, but the door began closing after she had crawled onto it. Consequently, she had nothing to hold onto as it finished sealing. With her only option being to have her fingers crushed, she released the doors and fell off the roof, landing on the ground three meters below.
Despite being unconscious for a few hours and suffering cuts and bruises, Sandskimmer avoided detection and serious injury, returning to the hotel room where she, Janson, Tabanne, and saBinring were staying. Donos was present in the room when she returned, and he admitted that he had been worried when she fell. She assured him that she was fine and rested for the remainder of the day, as the Wraiths planned to steal the TIEs the following evening.
For the next phase of the mission, Sandskimmer rewired a vacant cargo skimmer, programming it to jump two meters in height, allowing her, Antilles, Loran, and Tabanne to jump onto the roof of the bunker. Simultaneously, Wraith Hohass Ekwesh made a strafing run on the spaceport in his X-wing, drawing out two of the four TIEs and granting the four Wraiths access to the bunker. While Loran and Tabanne dealt with the personnel in the bunker, Antilles and Sandskimmer seized the two unoccupied fighters and used them to destroy the two Imperial TIEs after Loran, posing as the fighter commander, ordered them back. As the rest of the Wraiths evacuated on the Narra, Ekwesh, Antilles, and Sandskimmer flew back to the Night Caller in their fighters. Despite the complications, the Wraiths had successfully acquired two fighters and infected the Hawkbat, achieving their objectives.
The squadron had one final mission before their anticipated meeting with Trigit at Talasea. In the Todirium system, the Wraiths impersonated Rogue Squadron after Loran obtained the location of one of Zsinj's facilities. They faced only Ultra-Light Assault Vehicles, which they easily defeated, although Sandskimmer's fighter sustained some damage in the skirmish.
Sandskimmer then participated in the Battle of Talasea, which pitted Wraith Squadron and the Night Caller against the corvette Constrictor and the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Provocateur. The battle was initially intended as a trap for the Star Destroyer Implacable, but Trigit detected the ambush and held back, remaining unaware of the true nature of the Night Caller's crew. Flying in a TIE fighter alongside Antilles, Tabanne, and Janson, Sandskimmer and her comrades focused on targeting the Constrictor. On a subsequent pass, Antilles and Sandskimmer struck the bow hold of the corvette as it prepared to launch its own fighters. The resulting explosion crippled the vessel, leading to its surrender, while the rest of the squadron in their X-wings destroyed the Provocateur with the aid of the Night Caller.
Although the battle had severely damaged the Night Caller, Antilles decided to use this to his advantage, having Loran report to Trigit that the ship had barely survived a New Republic trap. Additionally, Loran persuaded both Zsinj and Trigit to create an opportunity to ambush New Republic forces at Ession. In reality, the Wraiths were planning another engagement to defeat Trigit once and for all. The battle involved three additional squadrons of New Republic fighters, including Rogue Squadron, entering the system ostensibly to attack a Zsinj-allied facility. Meanwhile, the Night Caller remained in formation with the Implacable near one of Ession's moons, awaiting the opportunity to strike.
As the New Republic starfighters arrived, the Wraiths launched their attack. Sandskimmer, in a TIE alongside Tabanne, saBinring, and Janson, was already launched and escorting the Implacable when the signal to attack was given. The four starfighters made a quick strafing run on the Implacable, destroying the sensor globes and the bridge of the ship, while the Wraith Squadron X-wings launching from the Night Caller overloaded the shields with a barrage of proton torpedoes. Sandskimmer continued attacking the destroyer; its own fighters were distracted by the other New Republic starfighters. During the battle, her wingman, Tabanne, was disabled by enemy fire, leaving Sandskimmer to continue the attack. As the Wraiths concentrated their fire on the ship's power cells, Sandskimmer proposed flying into the interior of the damaged ship and attacking it from within. She suggested it to Antilles, who forbade it. Ignoring his order, she pretended not to hear him and flew into the ship to attack it. Once inside, she inflicted significant damage to the Star Destroyer, assisted by Wraith Eurrsk Thri'ag, who had followed her in. However, while the two Wraiths were successful in destroying the main power cells and dooming the Implacable, they had to escape the ship before it crashed into Ession's moon. Sandskimmer discovered that her fighter was caught on something, trapping her inside the ship. She ordered Thri'ag to abandon the vessel, but his fighter was destroyed by a turbolaser emplacement. As the Implacable fell, Sandskimmer knew she had no chance of escape and warned the other Wraiths not to attempt to rescue her, even firing her laser cannons to prevent them from a futile attempt and a similar fate as she would soon experience. She died when the Implacable crashed into the moon.
Sandskimmer was mourned by her squadron after the battle, which the New Republic ultimately won. In particular, her death deeply affected Myn Donos for months afterward. Her callsign, Wraith Three, was later adopted by Wes Janson.
Falynn Sandskimmer was regarded as a skilled fighter pilot by her peers, but she struggled to connect with others in her units. She tended to disrespect authority figures she perceived as incompetent and struggled with self-worth. This was a primary reason for her recruitment into Wraith Squadron, as her career was nearing its end. Sandskimmer, often feeling overshadowed by the legacy of Tatooine native Luke Skywalker, sought to excel at something or perform an innovative, unique feat. She felt she could never achieve first place in anything, as she was considered second-best in piloting TIEs, second-best in bypassing security systems, and Donos's casual rejection of her advances only worsened her lack of self-esteem. Her fixation on an accomplishment that only she could claim indirectly led to her death when she disobeyed orders to attack the Implacable from within.
She could also be proud of her abilities, even claiming to be equal in skill to X-wing ace Wedge Antilles. However, Antilles later disproved this claim, and she admitted he had won, albeit with the caveat that Antilles had acted unfairly. Sandskimmer did concede when she was wrong, though reluctantly. Her commanding officers considered her volatile, and she was known to express her frustrations during combat.
During her time in Wraith Squadron, Falynn Sandskimmer developed an attraction to fellow Wraith Myn Donos, feeling that she understood the solitary Corellian pilot. Initially, however, Donos was unresponsive. After eventually confronting and resolving emotional issues related to the destruction of Talon Squadron, his previous command, Donos began to warm up to Sandskimmer instead of pushing her away. Before their relationship could truly develop, Sandskimmer was killed in the Battle of Ession. Her death pained Donos for some time afterward, as he knew she had loved him, but he had never taken the time to develop the relationship further.
Sandskimmer was a competent starfighter pilot, proficient in flying X-wings, Y-wings, and TIE fighters, though not on par with luminaries like Wedge Antilles. She was already an ace in the Y-wing before training to become an X-wing starfighter pilot with the Wraiths. During the Night Caller charade, she further refined her skills in a TIE fighter, utilizing them on several missions.
Due to her difficult upbringing on Tatooine, she was also a skilled scout, though not as capable as fellow Wraith Tyria Sarkin. Sandskimmer's particular expertise on the ground lay in piloting and controlling ground vehicles; she was familiar with numerous models and could reprogram or activate them using little more than a datapad. Once in control of a vehicle, she could successfully execute maneuvers that other pilots considered reckless. This expertise also made her proficient in bypassing security systems.
As a member of Wraith Squadron, Sandskimmer carried a blaster rifle and wore a dark green flightsuit with a chest-mounted life support unit, which she augmented with black–camouflage material during the Wraiths' mission to Xartun. On Storinal, she and Atril Tabanne donned matching black body stockings under leather boots, bags, belts, and holsters, with dyed, braided hair, all of the same color. When out of her disguised identity, she wore a wig, and carried a chronometer during infiltration operations.
During her career with the New Republic, Sandskimmer flew both Y- and X-wing starfighters, and adopted the use of a TIE fighter while posing as a crewmember of the Night Caller, with the uniform of a TIE pilot to match. Wearing a vacuum suit, she raced an ore hauler over the surface of Folor, and drove cargo skiffs and skimmers on ground-based missions.
Falynn Sandskimmer was created by Aaron Allston for his 1998 novel X-Wing: Wraith Squadron.