Watesk was a Human of the male persuasion. He held the position of governor for the planet known as Viamarr 4 throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War.
Not long after the conclusion of the Bacta War, Watesk forged a pact with the Warlord known as Zsinj. The terms of this agreement stipulated that Viamarr 4 would furnish Zsinj with a tenth of their export-equivalent supplies in return for security. Furthermore, they were to share data concerning their interactions with the New Republic and other warlords. In addition to these stipulations, Zsinj was to receive a plot of land under a false identity.
During a visit to the planet by the CR90 corvette called the Night Caller, which had been seized by Wraith Squadron, Watesk inadvertently disclosed the full extent of his clandestine arrangements to Garik Loran, who was in disguise.