The covert operation known as the Mission to Storinal was undertaken by Wraith Squadron to safeguard their perceived collective identity as the crew of the Night Caller.
Following their successful escape from the clutches of pirates at M2398-3, Warlord Zsinj, still under the impression that Captain Darillian was alive, contacted the Wraiths, informing them they were being followed. Face, impersonating Darillian, suggested ambushing their pursuers, but Zsinj instructed him to join forces with Admiral Trigit for another mission. First, however, the Night Caller was to meet with another of Zsinj's ships, the Hawkbat, to acquire additional intelligence and supplies.
This new development placed the Wraiths in a precarious position, risking exposure, as the Hawkbat's captain, Bock Nabyl, demanded a face-to-face meeting with Darillian. A further complication was their shortage of two TIE fighters from the Night Caller's complement. Falynn Sandskimmer downplayed this issue, stating that TIE fighters were easily obtainable in the surrounding area, and stealing a pair would not pose a significant challenge for the Wraiths. Ton Phanan then proposed arriving at the rendezvous point under a quarantine flag, but Wedge rejected the idea, believing it would arouse Zsinj's suspicion. Face then suggested infecting the Hawkbat crew instead, to divert any suspicion away from the Hawkbat and onto Zsinj. Wedge remained highly skeptical, but Phanan interjected, arguing that if they could locate a planet where the Hawkbat crew could take shore leave, infecting them would be simple, since any planet with a spaceport would invariably have some form of disease containment center to treat incoming ships under quarantine. Using his medical expertise, he could easily identify and administer an infectious agent to the Hawkbat crewmen.
After further refining their strategy, the Wraiths proceeded to Storinal aboard the Narra, heavily disguised. Given that Wedge, Janson, and several others were on the Empire's wanted lists, they could not risk appearing as themselves. The Wraiths divided into three teams, each assigned specific objectives on Storinal:
Janson, posing as senator-in-exile Iskit Tyestin of Bakura, accompanied by Atril Tabanne, Falynn, and Piggy as his bodyguards, formed Joyride Group. Their mission was to locate and facilitate the theft of two TIE fighters.
Kell Tainer, Tyria Sarkin, and Ton Phanan, known as Plague Group, were tasked with acquiring the infectious agent.
Wedge, Face, and Myn Donos, disguised as Agamaran simpletons, formed Yokel Group, with the objective of locating and befriending the Hawkbat crewmembers.
Grinder was to remain concealed within the Narra's smuggling compartment unless summoned, a consequence of the Empire's extreme distrust of all Bothans following their involvement in Palpatine's death.
Runt would remain hidden in an X-Wing, as he was the only Thakwaash for light years around, making him far too recognizable. However, he could assist in their escape if necessary.
Upon arrival, each group proceeded with their assigned tasks, encountering no significant obstacles.
Plague Group required Grinder's expertise, but they successfully infiltrated the Scohar Xenohealth Institute without incident. Phanan obtained vials of Bunkurd Sewer Disorder, a condition similar to food poisoning: mild, not particularly dangerous, but highly contagious. Both he and Grinder also pilfered a small box containing a Storini glass prowler: Phanan out of entomological interest, Grinder for prank purposes.
Yokel Group quickly identified the Hawkbat crewmembers and gained their trust by purchasing them copious amounts of drinks while feigning stupidity. In doing so, they gathered information about them and their respective ships.
Joyride Group successfully conducted reconnaissance of the starport's TIE hangars, identifying most of the security measures in place. During this endeavor, Falynn fell from the hangar roof, sustaining bruises. While not seriously injured, she needed to rest for the remainder of the operation.
Once their preliminary tasks were complete, the Wraiths regrouped and focused on achieving their two objectives: infection and theft.
One half of the Wraiths, including Tyria, Janson, and Tainer, disguised themselves as a maintenance crew and, while servicing the two shuttles from the Hawkbat, installed canisters containing the BSD in the air intake system. They managed to escape and reach the Narra in time, despite encountering the genuine maintenance crew. Kell provoked the lead mechanic into attacking him, knocked him unconscious, and then threatened to report the incident. The other mechanic's comrade pleaded with him not to, assuring him that no report was necessary regarding their unauthorized presence and the altercation. Kell reluctantly agreed before making his escape.
The other half of the Wraiths requested that Runt strafe the starport, using the ensuing diversion to commandeer two TIE fighters. The remaining Wraiths then quickly boarded the Narra, and the entire group departed for the Night Caller at maximum speed.
The Wraith mission was a success, as upon reaching the rendezvous point, Captain Nabyl informed Face (posing as Darillian) that his ship was under quarantine, preventing any contact between the crews. Zsinj never suspected anything, immediately ordering the Night Caller to join Admiral Trigit.