Storini glass prowler

The Storini glass prowler was a type of insect found on Storinal, notable for its crystalline structure. These creatures, being non-threatening, were suitable as pets. They moved on two legs, and had a pair of forelimbs they used for interacting with their environment.

Ton Phanan acquired one of these creatures, having pilfered it from a research center while on a mission to Storinal.

During that same mission, Eurrsk Thri'ag also absconded with a glass prowler, with the intention of using it for a practical joke. His plan was to place it inside Garik Loran's X-wing to startle him during flight. The Bothan was unaware that Phanan had also taken a prowler, and that Loran, as Ton's wingman, knew about the insect. Consequently, upon discovering the creature on him during flight, he initially thought it was Phanan's pet.

Following the mission, when they discovered it wasn't Phanan's, Loran realized that Thri'ag was the secret prankster who had been targeting members of the squadron, as the slicer was the only one who could have obtained the access codes to Loran's ship. As revenge, they tricked him into thinking that the creature he had taken was actually a made-up predator, called the Storini Crystal Deceiver, and that it was now after him.

After this event, Phanan also cared for the second glass prowler. After Phanan's passing, his glass prowlers were inherited by his friend Garik Loran, who continued to care for them.

