X-wing starfighters, also referred to as T-series, were a class of starfighter notable for their unique S-foils. When in attack position, these S-foils formed an "X" shape, mirroring the character in the High Galactic script. Equipped with four laser cannons on the S-foils and proton torpedo launchers situated within the fuselage, they possessed formidable firepower. The design of X-wings prioritized both aerial combat and extended operational durations. During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance utilized X-wing variants such as the T-65B X-wing starfighter and the T-65C-A2 X-wing in numerous conflicts, including the Attack on Lothal, the Battle of Yavin, the Battle of Endor, and the Battle of Jakku.
Roughly three decades afterwards, the Resistance employed an evolved X-wing model, the T-70, while the New Republic Defense Fleet adopted an even more advanced version known as the T-85.
The X-wing's lineage can be traced back to Incom Corporation's Clone Wars-era Fighter designs, specifically the Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter, Clone Z-95 Headhunter, and Z-95 Headhunter. Incom's engineers aimed to create a versatile snubfighter, complete with a hyperdrive and lacking any critical vulnerabilities. Initially, the intention was for this new starfighter to serve as the mainstay of the Imperial Navy. However, due to political considerations, the Galactic Empire opted for Sienar Fleet Systems' more economical TIE fighter series. Consequently, the Alliance to Restore the Republic embraced the X-wing design for their own use.
In 5 ABY, the T-70 model was launched by Incom-FreiTek Corporation, integrating a plethora of enhancements over the T-65 series. Drawing lessons from the significant X-wing losses during the trench run at the Battle of Yavin, Incom's engineering team outfitted the T-70 with a rotatable blaster cannon to defend against rear attacks. At least a single prototype was made before the Battle of Jakku. By 34 ABY, the New Republic had largely phased out its T-70s in favor of the T-85s, which offered even greater capabilities than the already impressive T-70s.

The T-65B model was already in service by 5 BBY, with Saw Gerrera's Partisans possessing two examples adorned with their distinctive markings during that time.
As early as 1 BBY, the Alliance to Restore the Republic was operating T-65B X-wings. During the attack on Lothal, at least 10 T-65B X-wing Fighter alongside BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers participated in the assault; however, all were destroyed by the Imperial defenses. Hera Syndulla, Mart Mattin, Secon Daree, C1-10P, and R3-A3 survived being shot down, but numerous other pilots perished, and their astromech droids were destroyed.
The Partisans continued their use of X-wings within the Cavern Angels squadron, even after their expulsion from the formal Alliance due to Gerrera's extremist ideologies. Rebel X-wings saw combat shortly before the Galactic Civil War officially began, participating in both the Liberation of Erso and the Mission to Eadu.

The Battle of Scarif marked the commencement of the full-scale Galactic Civil War, resulting in a hard-won yet crucial victory for the Alliance. Rogue One, a newly formed special forces unit under the command of Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, Baze Malbus, Chirrut Îmwe, Bodhi Rook, and K-2SO, defied direct orders from Alliance High Command and deployed to Scarif in a desperate attempt to steal the technical schematics for the Empire's Death Star battle station. They were subsequently joined by the Alliance Fleet. X-wings from Red Squadron, Green Squadron, Blue Squadron, and Gold Squadron engaged Imperial TIE fighters and attempted to breach the Shield Gate, while the capital ships joined the Shield Gate assault and battled the Imperial Star Destroyers. Shortly after the Alliance secured the Death Star plans, the Death Star arrived at Scarif and unleashed a low-power blast on the Citadel Tower, eliminating all personnel at the Imperial surface installation.

Within days of Scarif, the Empire discovered the Alliance's headquarters on Yavin 4 and dispatched the Death Star to obliterate them. The Alliance, aware of the battle station's critical design flaw, deployed a force of 30 Starfighters (including 22 X-wings) to execute a series of attack runs on the planet-destroying space station. This resulted in another costly victory for the Alliance. Luke Skywalker, a legendary Force-sensitive Rebel pilot, famously launched two proton torpedoes into the Death Star's thermal exhaust port, triggering a chain reaction in the reactor that annihilated the entire station. While the Death Star was destroyed, the Alliance suffered the loss of 27 Starfighters (including 20 X-wings) during the assault.
At some point during 0 ABY, three X-wings from Red Squadron were deployed on a mission to Giju, which resulted in the successful rescue of multiple Alliance agents.
A few days after the Battle of Yavin, Leia Organa and Evaan Verlaine disobeyed orders from Alliance High Command and embarked on a mission to rescue the survivors of Alderaan. Skywalker and Wedge Antilles were scrambled to intercept their shuttle, but the rebels jumped to hyperspace.
Following the Assault on Cymoon, Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 piloted an X-wing to Hradreek to acquire credits for the Rebel war effort. Soon after, a four-sided skirmish broke out over the possession of Darth Atrius' lightsabers, with R2 rescuing Skywalker by bringing him the ship.
Later, Skywalker flew an X-wing from the Alliance Fleet to Tatooine, accompanied by R2-D2. There, he revisited Obi-Wan Kenobi's former residence and discovered the deceased Jedi Master's journal. Disappointed that the journal didn't contain any information on Jedi training, Skywalker set course for Nar Shaddaa.
X-wings would once again see extensive action against the Empire in the Battle of Vrogas Vas. The battle was a costly defeat for the Alliance, with Blue Squadron completely destroyed and Red Squadron suffering heavy casualties.
X-wings were also deployed to Sunspot Prison in the aftermath of Eneb Ray's assault.
The Alliance retaliated against the Empire with the hijacking of the Harbinger, a major space battle that resulted a rare case of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer being successfully boarded and hijacked. The Alliance used the Harbinger to break through the Siege on Tureen VII and bring relief supplies to the planet's population. Although the hijacking ended with an Alliance victory, it resulted in C-3PO's capture by Task Force 99. The astromech droid R2-D2 took it upon himself to stage a mission to rescue C-3PO in a stolen X-wing, while Luke Skywalker and S4 gave chase and embarked on a mission to Vagadarr Prime.
Later, General Davits Draven deployed X-wings to raid Grakkus Jahibakti Tingi's safe house on Teth.
At least five Rebel X-wings saw action in a dogfight over Odona, where a pair of them shot down a TIE fighter. They were deployed Odona again to help rescue Han Solo and Leia Organa when a mission to scout locations for a new Rebel base devolved into a skirmish with Frax and Selt.
X-wings also defended from Imperial forces that launched an attack on the Rebel fleet shortly before the mission to Crait.
X-wings again saw large-scale action at the mutiny on Mon Cala, a strategic Alliance victory. After the battle, the Mon Cala Mercantile Fleet became part of the Alliance Fleet, but the Mon Calamari King Lee-Char and his Regent Dors Urtya were both killed by Imperial forces.
Months later, X-wings defended the Alliance Fleet from an assault on the Mako-Ta Space Docks, a major blow for the Rebellion. The attack destroyed more than half of the Rebel cruisers and 90 percent of its available starfighter forces.
A number of X-wings accompanied the 61st Mobile Infantry company, known to most as "Twilight Company," on the Coyerti campaign in the Mid Rim Retreat. The campaign ended with the destruction of an Imperial biotoxin production facility and an Alliance victory.
In 3 ABY, numerous X-wings served as fighter escorts for the Alliance's GR-75 medium transports during the Battle of Hoth. The rearguard actions on the surface covering the evacuation proved costly to the Alliance, with many personnel killed. Additionally, the Alliance was forced to leave behind much of their heavy equipment, and the fleet, including its X-wings, scattered throughout the Outer Rim Territories, travelling to separate rendezvous points like Rendezvous Point Delta-Three.
Luke Skywalker, however, traveled to the Dagobah system to seek out Yoda, the former Grand Master of the Jedi Order. Due to Dagobah's thick fog, Skywalker crashed his X-wing in a swamp. With Skywalker away, Wedge Antilles was promoted to lead Rogue Squadron in his absence, which he rebranded to be "Red Squadron" due to the losses sustained on Hoth. The following day, Antilles led Red Squadron's X-wings against pirates that threatened the security of Rendezvous Point Delta-Three. Meanwhile, Skywalker's starfighter sank further until it was almost fully submerged, at which point Skywalker attempted to recover it. While he had developed some skill with telekinesis, his self-doubt led to his ultimate inability to lift his waterlogged X-wing from the bog, and only with Yoda's assistance was the starfighter moved to solid ground. When Skywalker left the system, he traveled to Bespin, where he ended up abandoning his X-wing when circumstances compelled him to depart in the Millennium Falcon.
Upon reaching Rendezvous Point Delta-Three, everyone aboard the Falcon found the Fourth Division besieged by Imperial Commander Ellian Zahra and her Hunter Fleet; having been appointed to find the Rebels, Zahra was able to track communications between the Fourth Division and Eighth Division, which was destroyed near Malastare. Zahra personally led the attack against the Fourth, trapping the X-wings and other craft between her fleet and a sun. While one X-wing nearly escaped her forces, Zahra personally took control of a cannon to destroy it. However, the arrival of the Falcon eventually led to the Fourth Division successfully escaping to Backup Rendezvous Point Gamma-Nine. Later, Skywalker reclaimed his personal X-wing during a mission to Cloud City, and several of the Fourth Division's X-wings and A-wings served together as Starlight Squadron.
X-wings assisted Twilight Company in Operation Ringbreaker, an attempt to divert Imperial forces from Kuat to make the planet more vulnerable to attack. The operation saw numerous engagements with X-wings in combat, including an attack on the dockyards of Najan-Rovi. The campaign scored some notable successes, but it ultimately ended with the Siege of Inyusu Tor and the failure to reach Kuat. Although the Alliance squad was stranded on Sullust and on the verge of defeat from the outset, an uprising of the Cobalt Laborers' Reformation Front liberated a part of the planet.
In 4 ABY, Corona Squadron engaged Imperial TIEs in a dogfight in the Hudalla system. The small but drawn-out engagement resulted in each side losing a single starfighter, and it set the stage for the Battle of Endor.

By this time, Luke Skywalker had acquired another X-wing and flew it to Tatooine to lead the rescue of Han Solo, who had been arrested by Boba Fett and encased in carbonite at Jabba's Palace. Upon the successful completion of the rescue, Skywalker returned to Dagobah, fulfilling a promise to Yoda. After Yoda's death, Skywalker departed Dagobah for the final time, en route to Sullust to rejoin the Alliance fleet. On Skywalker's arrival, the entirety of the Alliance Fleet staged a large-scale assault on the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station, an under-construction Imperial battle station with even more firepower than the original Death Star. Wedge Antilles and Lando Calrissian, accompanied by a group of Fighter, led an attack run deep within the bowels of the station and fired ordnance at the reactor core, destroying the station.
Seventeen days after the Battle of Endor, X-wings took part in the Battle of Cawa City, which expelled Imperial forces from Sterdic IV.
X-wings fought Imperial forces at the Attack on Fondor alongside A-wings and U-wings. The battle ultimately ended with a Rebel defeat, and the Empire securing weather control satellites for Operation Cinder.
Luke Skywalker flew his X-wing to undertake a mission to Pillio, where he encountered Del Meeko.
X-wings also engaged Imperial TIEs in the Battle of Theed, which resulted in the destruction of a series of Imperial weather control satellites and the failure of Operation: Cinder.
By the end of the Battle of Naboo, the Alliance had reorganized itself into the New Republic and continued to operate the Alliance's Fighter. New Republic X-wings saw action at the Battle of Naalol and the Rebellion on Akiva, both victories for the Republic.
In 5 ABY, the Empire continued to put up resistance against the New Republic's liberation of the galaxy. Inferno Squad, a former Imperial special forces unit, flew X-wings against their former comrades in a skirmish on Takodana. Later, Inferno Squad would fly X-wings again in a mission to Chinook Station. X-wings accompanied the A/SF-01 B-wing Fighter of Blade Squadron in the Battle for Kuat Drive Yards, which crippled the Empire's capability to produce starships and walkers. The twelve X-wings of Phantom Squadron took part in the liberation of Kashyyyk, which deprived the Empire of much of its slave labor. Corona Squadron's X-wings fought Imperial forces during the Invasions of Naboo. Shepherd Squadron operated X-wings in the Battle of Fondor Shipyards
The Galactic Concordance treaty was signed in the middle of the Battle of Jakku, which marked the final surrender of the Empire. The Imperial ships that hadn't been destroyed in the fighting began jumping into the Unknown Regions, and went on to form the nucleus of the First Order Navy.
In 28 ABY, the Amaxine warriors operated numerous X-wings alongside Y-wings, B-wings, and Imperial TIEs. Although these Fighter were all destroyed in a mission to Sibensko, the Amaxine warrior crisis resulted in the formation of the Resistance. The B-class X-wing existed by the time of the New Republic Era and was represented in a model kit owned by a young Karr Nuq Sin.

In 33 ABY, the New Republic T-85 X-wings of Rapier Squadron fought First Order TIEs over Suraz 4. The First Order hijacked the Yissira Zyde freighter during the Suraz engagement, prompting Rapier Leader Poe Dameron to launch an unsanctioned mission to recover the ship. The resulting skirmish in OR-Kappa-2722 led Dameron to trouble with the New Republic authorities, and Dameron defected to the Resistance shortly after.
During the hunt for Lor San Tekka, the T-70 X-wings of Black Squadron engaged First Order TIEs in a mission to Ovanis. The dogfight ended in a draw, although Black Squadron shot down several TIEs without suffering any casualties.
Later on in 34 ABY, during the mission to Kaddak, Commander Poe Dameron stowed his own personal T-70 X-wing, Black One, in the cargo compartment of a freighter. After a series of complications required a quick evacuation from the planet, Dameron abandoned the freighter and left in Black One.

Five fighters from Black Squadron, consisting of four X-wings, were involved in an aerial battle above a desert world against First Order forces. This conflict resulted in the demise of the A-wing pilot L'ulo L'ampar.
In a mission targeting Spalex, Black Squadron utilized T-70 X-wings.
Additionally, Black Squadron participated in a mission directed at Cato Neimoidia, where they were confronted by droid starfighters dating back to the Clone Wars era.
Kazuda Xiono, a young pilot from the New Republic who later became a Resistance spy through the efforts of Poe Dameron, along with his team members Hugh Sion and Mia Gabon, engaged Major Vonreg's Tie in the vastness of space. Piloting their T-85 X-wings, they aimed to supply Poe Dameron with crucial First Order information, acting under the orders of the New Republic Command. Xiono and Dameron collaborated on at least two additional X-wing missions: an investigation concerning a G-class freighter and a mission to Station Theta Black.
Zay Versio and Iden Versio both piloted X-wings during a mission that took them to Athulla. Subsequently, Shriv Suurgav and Iden flew X-wings to Vardos, where they engaged in combat against both First Order and Jinata Security forces during the Kestro battle.

Sometime after Snoke swayed Ben Solo to the dark side of the Force, renaming him Kylo Ren, he and the Knights of Ren murdered all of Luke Skywalker's students and set fire to the Jedi temple. Skywalker then chose exile, embarking on a quest to locate the First Jedi Temple. Before his departure, he entrusted half of the map's location to his astromech droid, R2-D2, and the remaining half to Lor San Tekka. Upon arriving at Ahch-To, he landed his X-wing in a shallow bay, effectively stranding himself on the island, and severed his connection to the Force.
Later on, Dameron and BB-8 piloted a T-70 to Jakku to rendezvous with San Tekka in the village of Tuanul. San Tekka possessed the Map leading to Skywalker, an item highly sought after by both the First Order and the Resistance. The First Order located San Tekka and initiated an assault on Tuanul, resulting in his death and the slaughter of the villagers. Dameron attempted to escape in his X-wing, but the ship sustained damage and was ultimately destroyed.

Within a matter of hours, the First Order discovered that the droid had fled to Takodana Castle, prompting them to launch the Battle of Takodana in an effort to retrieve BB-8 and the map. Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Finn were captured, but the X-wings of the Starfighter Corps intervened, compelling the First Order's ground troops to retreat and enabling the trio to escape.
After learning of the First Order's plan to obliterate the Resistance base situated in the Ileenium system, the Resistance deployed a contingent of T-70 X-wings in a desperate Battle of Starkiller Base. Despite suffering heavy losses, with only seven X-wings surviving the offensive, the Resistance successfully destroyed the base's thermal oscillator, leading to the base's complete annihilation.
The First Order swiftly responded with a subsequent attack on the Resistance's primary base. Dameron commanded a squadron of X-wings, A-wings, and MG-100 StarFortress SF-17 bombers to provide cover during the evacuation of D'Qar. While the Resistance managed to destroy the Fulminatrix and escape the system, the First Order tracked their fleet to the Oetchi system. There, Kylo Ren and his wingmen decimated the entire Resistance Starfighter Corps while their ships were still docked in the Raddus's hangar bay.
The X-wing fighter series made its debut in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, specifically during the pivotal Battle of Yavin. These vessels rapidly achieved iconic status, becoming synonymous with the original film, the original trilogy, and the Star Wars franchise in its entirety. X-wings reappeared in the subsequent two films of the original trilogy: Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. A multitude of Expanded Universe works also showcased the X-wings and their pilots, notably including Star Wars: X-Wing, Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance, Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game, and Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron. For the prequel trilogy, the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, and various other projects, Lucasfilm developed a range of spacecraft that functioned as in-universe predecessors and successors to the X-wing. Among these were the Z-95 Headhunter starfighter, ARC-170 starfighter, and X-83 TwinTail starfighter.
On April 25, 2014, Lucasfilm declared that the Expanded Universe would be discontinued and rebranded as "Legends" in anticipation of the release of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. All existing Expanded Universe content was deemed non-canon, with the sole exceptions being the original trilogy, the prequel trilogy, the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film and television series, and Part I of Blade Squadron. All materials published from that date onward, excluding the continuation of a few Legends stories, would adhere to a new, unified canonicity system where all works were explicitly categorized as either canon or non-canon. Legends characters, organizations, titles, creatures, sentient species, droid models, vehicles, vessels, events, weapons, and locations would remain accessible to authors creating new canon material, subject to the approval of the Lucasfilm Story Group.
Following this announcement, Lucasfilm initiated the publication of new canon material, introducing fresh X-wing models such as the T-70 and T-85 X-wing fighters. The T-65C-A2 X-wing starfighter, previously exclusive to Legends, was reintroduced into canon through the release of Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide.