The clone Z-95 starfighter, also known as the clone Z-95 Headhunter, and more commonly referenced as the Headhunter starfighter, represented a specific starfighter model, a variant of the standard Z-95 Headhunter. It was deployed by clone trooper pilots of the Galactic Republic during the period of the Clone Wars. Despite its later introduction during the conflict, the clone Z-95 rose to prominence as a favored choice for Republic aerial support. This adaptable fighter participated in operations spanning from the Battle of Umbara until the war's conclusion.
The clone Z-95 Headhunter, a collaborative creation by Incom and Sublights Products Corporation, served as the primary multi-role starfighter for the Galactic Republic's naval forces'. Priced at 75,000 credits, these Z-95 Headhunters were designed specifically for the Navy, capitalizing on the unique physical and mental attributes of clone trooper pilots. Renowned for its speed and agility, the fighter possessed formidable firepower, thanks to its proton torpedo launchers each loaded with eight torpedoes, exceeding expectations given its dimensions of 16.74 meters in length and 18.13 meters in width. It was equipped with KX5 laser cannons manufactured by Taim & Bak, short-range sensors, and enough consumables for a day's operation. The clone Z-95 also featured a fuselage that was more streamlined compared to the standard Z-95 model.

The Republic Navy utilized the Z-95 starfighter in a variety of roles, including escort duties and engaging in starfighter combat against opposing forces from the Navy of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the prolonged Battle of Umbara, Z-95s played a crucial role as the Republic fleet breached the Separatist blockade. Subsequently, they provided escort for gunships transporting troops to the planet's surface. As the battle progressed, Z-95s clashed with Umbaran starfighters during a space engagement between the Republic and a Separatist fleet. Drift was one pilot who flew a Z-95 in this conflict.

The starfighter also saw action in the Battle of Kadavo, providing escort for Jedi Master Plo Koon in his starfighter, along with gunships from the 104th Battalion's Wolfpack. This operation aimed to rescue Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone Captain Rex, and a group of Togruta slaves held captive by Zygerrian keeper Agruss within the Kadavo slave processing facility. During the battle, they engaged HH-87 Starhoppers piloted by Zygerrian forces, with clone pilot Warthog's ship sustaining damage. Koon intervened, using his starfighter to eliminate two Starhoppers, saving Warthog and other pilots. However, they couldn't destroy the defense towers of the slave processing facility. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker then hijacked a defense tower and destroyed three others, enabling Admiral Barton Coburn's ship, the Hand of Justice, to approach the facility and rescue the slaves before the gunships destroyed it.
During the attack on Obi-Wan's fleet, Z-95 Headhunters defended against General Grievous' forces. Clone pilot Killer flew a Z-95, providing cover fire for his wingman Engle, who was conducting bombing runs on Separatist warships in his Y-wing starfighter. Tragically, Killer perished in the battle, while Engle crash-landed on Kenobi's ship, the Negotiator. Engle managed to escape the burning cockpit, with Kenobi's assistance in reaching safety.

Z-95 Headhunters also participated in the defense of Cato Neimoidia, led by Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano, in an attempt to protect the planet from Separatist control. In the ensuing battle, Skywalker created an opening against vulture droids for the Z-95s, and some engaged in dogfights against droid tri-fighters, with one being shot down. Skywalker and Tano were soon called away to investigate an attack on the Jedi Temple, while the Republic continued its assault on the planet.
On Coruscant, a number of clone Z-95s were kept as a reserve force at a Republic Navy base, along with other starfighters and personnel. Z-95s also provided aerial security at Kamino's cloning facilities, specifically at the clone military education complex. During Skywalker's campaign to liberate Ringo Vinda from Separatist forces, Z-95 squadrons engaged enemy fighters around the massive space station orbiting the planet. During Skywalker's invasion of Scipio, the headquarters of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, clone pilot Hawk and other pilots flew Z-95 starfighters as escort for the 501st Legion's LAAT/i gunships. Z-95s engaged vulture droids to clear a path for the gunships to land, causing the Confederate navy to withdraw and abandon their ground forces. Hawk and his comrades then shot down the remaining vulture droids outside Scipio's Main Vault, securing a Republic victory. However, one of the vulture droids shot down by Hawk crashed into the vault, resulting in the death of Rush Clovis, who was holding Senator Padmé Amidala hostage.

Z-95s later participated in the Outer Rim Sieges, engaging droid fighters at Anaxes, the location of the Republic Navy's shipyards, though with significant casualties. They also took part in a battle between a Republic and Separatist fleet led by Grievous and assisted Plo Koon in capturing Cato Neimoidia. Z-95s and Republic gunships participated in the Battle of Yerbana, engaging droid tri-fighters while Kenobi, Commander Cody, and the 212th Attack Battalion engaged ground forces. Despite some Z-95s struggling to shoot down tri-fighters, the Republic won the battle.
Near the war's end, Z-95s were stationed on a Venator-class Star Destroyer commanded by Skywalker. When Republic forces were summoned to Coruscant to address a planet invasion, Skywalker reunited with his former Padawan after Tano had left the Jedi Order, in the hangar. Tano was then dispatched to Mandalore along with the newly formed 332nd Company of the 501st Legion, led by the recently promoted Commander Rex, Captain Vaughn, and Mandalorian resistance forces led by Bo-Katan Kryze, while Skywalker and Kenobi departed for Coruscant.
Shortly after, Z-95 Headhunters were also present aboard the Tribunal, a Venator that had recently apprehended the former Sith Lord Maul following the Siege of Mandalore. When Order 66 was issued, the 332nd Division turned against Tano. After freeing Rex from his inhibitor chip, they passed by the Headhunters in the starship's repair bay while searching for a functional ship to commandeer, eventually taking a BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bomber. The Headhunters were destroyed when the Tribunal crashed onto a moon.
Between 32 ABY and 34 ABY, Poe Dameron of the Resistance's Black Squadron piloted a Z-95 Headhunter during a mission to retrieve a data archive containing the remaining contents of the Royal Library of Alderaan.

The clone Z-95 Headhunter was created for the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, making its debut in the episode "Darkness on Umbara," which aired in October 2011. The episode guide for "Darkness on Umbara" on initially identified the craft as the "Z-85 Headhunter," suggesting it was a predecessor to the Z-95 Headhunter, but this was later corrected to "Headhunter starfighter." The starfighter's entry in the Encyclopedia and subsequently the Databank, referred to it as a "Clone Z-95 starfighter," clarifying its status as one of several variants within the Headhunter line.
The television series' design team created the starfighter to avoid visual similarities with the T-65 X-wing starfighter from the Star Wars original trilogy films. Instead, its design was closer to artist Colin Cantwell's initial model for the X-wing starfighter.