Barton Coburn was a male human who achieved the rank of admiral within the Galactic Republic Navy, thereby becoming a republic_officer. During the Battle of Lola Sayu, he was in command of a task force, and he later took command of the Arquitens-class light cruiser named Hand of Justice during the Battle of Kadavo. After the end of the Clone Wars and the subsequent rise of the new regime, he transitioned to serving the Galactic Empire. Around 18 BBY, he was a participant in an imperial_summit_on_eriadu held at the Raven's Peak facility on the planet of Eriadu.

Barton Coburn, a male human, held the position of Admiral within the Galactic Republic Navy throughout the Clone Wars. He was under the command of Jedi General Plo Koon during the conflict. Admiral Coburn distinguished himself through his service in numerous Clone Wars battles. Coburn was in charge of the Republic task force dispatched to rescue the strike team responsible for liberating Captain Wilhuff Tarkin and Jedi Master Even Piell from the Citadel on Lola Sayu. Furthermore, he oversaw the operation aimed at rescuing the Togruta slaves held at the Zygerrian slaving facility on Kadavo. While in command of the Arquitens-class light cruiser Hand of Justice, Coburn strategically waited for Koon and the starfighters to neutralize the turrets before advancing, skillfully maneuvering the ship beneath the Zygerrian facility to facilitate the rescue of the Togrutas.

After Koon’s passing and the rise of the Galactic Empire, which replaced the Republic at the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Coburn remained a respected Admiral and continued his service under the new regime. Around 18 BBY, he accompanied Governor Tarkin to an imperial_summit_on_eriadu at Raven's Peak on Eriadu. Fellow Clone War veterans General Hurst Romodi from the Imperial Army, Tarkin’s rival Commander Orson Krennic of the Imperial Weapons Division, and Chief Scientist Doctor Royce Hemlock of the Advanced Science Division of the Imperial Science Bureau were also present. Coburn was regarded as one of the Empire's key leaders. When Doctor Hemlock discussed the progress of his and the Advanced Science Division's work on the cloning project previously overseen by the Kaminoans, which was of utmost importance to Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine, using decommissioned clone troopers as test subjects to advance his research, Coburn expressed his concerns, echoing Romodi's unease but for a different reason. He referenced their exceptional skill and unwavering loyalty during the Clone Wars, having served alongside them for many years. Tarkin responded that the clones had demonstrated a concerning level of individuality under the guidance of the Jedi Order. Coburn then voiced his apprehension about the clones potentially turning against the Empire if they were to discover Hemlock's Imperial cloning program, to which Hemlock warned that some already had. Tarkin assured him that any rogue clones would be swiftly and decisively dealt with to prevent any potential clone uprising, before instructing Krennic to update them on the status of Project Stardust.

As the summit progressed, insurgents commanded by Clone War veteran Commander Saw Gerrera infiltrated Raven's Peak, planting thermal explosives that detonated and caused widespread destruction to the facility. Coburn and the other attendees were secured within the conference room, with Hemlock being the only one to maintain faith in Tarkin amidst the chaos. Gerrera and the surviving insurgents managed to escape, as reported by Lieutenant Maylur's team. Tragically, Coburn’s fears materialized in a much more devastating manner several months later when the renegade Clone Force 99 assassinated Doctor Hemlock and several troopers from the Advanced Science Division. Furthermore, they inflicted severe damage on various sections of his base by releasing the Zillo Beast. This led Tarkin to posthumously punish the brilliant officer by ordering Captain Bragg to permanently shut down the base and reallocate all funding and remaining resources to Project Stardust when he arrived to offer his assistance insistently.

Barton Coburn was a male human characterized by light skin, blue eyes, and graying hair. He was a composed leader who inspired trust in those under his command. During his time serving the Empire, he remembered the clone troopers with whom he had fought alongside, expressing admiration for their courage and skill. Nevertheless, he ultimately allowed Tarkin and Hemlock to dismiss his concerns regarding their use as test subjects in cloning experiments.
Barton Coburn wore the standard-issue gray uniform of the Imperial military, which included an Imperial officer's tunic, a pair of flared/normal pants, a black utility belt, and black durasteel-toed boots. As an admiral, his rank insignia plaque consisted of a single row of six blue squares.
The character Admiral Barton Coburn was originally created for the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. His debut appearance was in the March 2011 episode "Citadel Rescue," which was part of the show's third season. He later reappeared in the fourth season episode "Escape from Kadavo," which aired on January 5, 2012. Following his role in the latter episode, he was given an entry in the Encyclopedia. Dee Bradley Baker provided the voice for Coburn in "Citadel Rescue," but the voice actor for "Escape from Kadavo" is currently unconfirmed. The character has since appeared in the fifth season episodes "Point of No Return" and "The Jedi Who Knew Too Much."