Escape from Kadavo

"Escape from Kadavo," an episode within the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series' fourth season, marks the thirteenth installment. Serving as the concluding chapter of a trilogy centered on the slavers originating from Zygerria and the abducted inhabitants of Kiros, this episode directly follows "Kidnapped" and "Slaves of the Republic." Its original broadcast occurred on January 6, 2012.

Official description

"As Obi-Wan struggles within the grim slave camps of Kadavo, his situation becoming increasingly dire, Anakin endeavors to persuade the Zygerrian Queen that she is merely a puppet in a Separatist scheme."

Plot summary

Obi-Wan Kenobi, laboring in the mines alongside Rex and the Togrutan colonists from Kiros, finds it challenging to maintain hope amidst the taunts of Agruss, the facility's harsh warden, and his guards. Each time Obi-Wan attempts to inspire hope, a Togrutan suffers punishment in his stead, intensifying his despair.

Meanwhile, Count [Dooku] (/article/dooku) arrives on Zygerria, dispatched by Darth Sidious at the request of Atai Molec. Dooku's mission is to dissuade Queen Scintel from her plan to enslave and break the Jedi, with the alternative being her elimination. Anakin Skywalker, whom she still seeks to recruit, expresses his reluctance and highlights her own subservience to Dooku. In response, she excludes him from their meeting, confiscating his lightsaber beforehand. After the queen departs, Anakin, aided by R2-D2, evades his guards, locates, and frees his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano. He instructs Ahsoka to secure their ship while he pursues the queen to inquire about the whereabouts of Obi-Wan and Rex.

Queen Scintel unveils her ambitious scheme to the count, who remains unimpressed and instead demands the Jedi's execution. When she refuses to surrender Anakin, the count and Atai turn against her. Before Anakin can intervene, the count Force chokes her. Finding himself outnumbered and unarmed, Anakin seizes the dying queen and escapes to their ship. With her final breath, Scintel returns the lightsaber to Anakin and reveals the location of Obi-Wan's prison, confessing, "You were right, Skywalker. I am a slave, just as you are."

At the Kadavo prison, Obi-Wan and Rex are escorted to the warden's command center, where Count Dooku informs them via holo-communication of their impending execution. Suddenly, Anakin, Ahsoka, and R2 land inside the prison. However, the security systems destroy their ship and delay them long enough for Dooku to threaten the execution of the Togrutan slaves if Anakin continues his assault. Fortunately for the heroes, Anakin has called in reinforcements: a Republic Star Destroyer, a light cruiser, and the Wolfpack under the command of Plo Koon. As the prison guards struggle to defend against the attack, Obi-Wan and Rex break free from their electronic shackles and engage the warden's guards. In a fit of malice, Agruss activates the deathtrap designed for the slaves, intending to send them to their doom, and destroys the controls to prevent immediate rescue.

Anakin and Ahsoka infiltrate the facility and separate. Anakin disables the prison's defense turrets, while Ahsoka formulates a plan for the Republic light cruiser to fly beneath the deathtrap, allowing the prisoners to escape via cable lines. In the command center, Obi-Wan and Rex defeat the remaining Zygerrians, and Obi-Wan reclaims his lightsaber, seemingly intending to strike down the defenseless Agruss. The warden taunts him, confident that the Jedi Code prevents a Jedi from killing an unarmed man. However, Agruss fails to account for Captain Rex, who is not bound by such restrictions. Rex hurls a guard's electrostaff with such force that it pierces Agruss's body, sending his chair careening out of control and smashing him against a console, resulting in his death. With the slaves evacuated, the Wolfpack unleashes full fire on the prison's support struts, causing the hub to plummet into the caldera, eliminating any remaining Zygerrian slavers. Once safely aboard the Republic cruiser, Roshti expresses gratitude to Ahsoka for their rescue, and declares that the people of Kiros, their sense of safety shattered and placing their trust in the Republic, will abandon their neutrality and align with the Republic.


During Obi-Wan's imprisonment in the slave mines, audio clips of screams and cries from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom are audible.

After Queen Scintel becomes enraged with Dooku and Atai Molec and throws her glass down, the sound of shattering glass is heard, but when Anakin enters the room, the glass is inexplicably intact.

While Anakin is cutting a hole in the door of the Kadavo facility, the cut's position changes inconsistently before completion.

The Complete Season Four DVD includes the episode's Director's Cut.

The Jedi Temple Archives feature on The Complete Season Four Blu-ray contains the deleted scene "The Queen and Dooku."


