During the Clone Wars, a male Togruta named Gupat Roshti held the position of governor for the planet Kiros. The 50,000 members of his colony were abducted and forced into slavery following an agreement between Count Dooku and Zygerrian slave traders. Ultimately, Jedi Master Plo Koon, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, his Padawan Ahsoka Tano, together with the soldiers of the 104th Battalion, made their way to the Zygerrian slave processing facility located on Kadavo. There, they successfully rescued Roshti along with the surviving population of Kiros. Aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer commanded by Admiral Coburn, the now-liberated governor expressed his appreciation to the Jedi and the Galactic Republic for their intervention and the rescue of his people and himself. He then spoke privately with Tano, informing her of Kiros's decision to align with the Republic.

During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Gupat Roshti was the governor responsible for Kiros. Via hologram, he communicated with Yoda, explaining that his Togrutan Artisan colony lacked warriors, and armed conflict would be devastating. Yoda cautioned Roshti against trusting Dooku. However, the Separatists had already arrived, making it too late. Roshti, accompanied by two colonists, met with Count Dooku, the Zygerrian Commander Darts D'Nar, and Dooku's battle droids. Roshti reminded Dooku that his people had chosen neutrality and questioned the invasion. Dooku insisted the occupation was peaceful, intended to protect Roshti and the colonists until the war concluded. Roshti then mentioned hearing tragic stories of worlds caught between the Separatist droids and the Galactic Republic's [clone troopers](/article/clone_trooper].
When Roshti inquired about reassurance for the colonists, Dooku responded that while he couldn't halt the fighting, he could offer sanctuary, "a safe haven until the conflict ended." Roshti expressed his thanks, and Dooku, placing a hand on his shoulder, insisted and escorted him away. Subsequently, D'Nar, representing the Zygerrian Slave Empire, instructed an AAT Driver Battle Droid to have the droids gather all the colonists for abduction and enslavement. As a result, Roshti's Togrutan Artisan colony was seized, with D'Nar establishing himself in the Governor's tower.
Upon learning of the plight of Roshti and his people, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padawan Ahsoka Tano, Clone Captain CT-7567 "Rex," Clone Commander CC-2224 "Cody," and clone troopers from the 501st and the 212th attempted to intervene. However, ten rotations had passed since Yoda's transmission. Landing in the colony, they were ambushed by droids, whom they defeated, disarming D'Nar's bombs and capturing D'Nar. Regrettably, Roshti and his people had already been transported off-world to Zygerria.

On Zygerria, the Togrutas were put up for auction. Rex and the Jedi followed Roshti and his people, aiming to liberate them. In the capital city, Rex and Kenobi, in disguise, spotted Roshti confined in a slave pit. Kenobi entered the pit to speak with the governor, who was weakened and disheartened. The governor initially rejected Kenobi's help, but relented when Kenobi revealed his Jedi identity and purpose. Kenobi inquired about the location of his people, but Roshti fainted before he could answer. Kenobi then carried the governor out of the pit. Kenobi informed Rex that he still lacked information on the colonists' whereabouts and that they needed to evacuate Roshti from the Zygerrian capital. Kenobi used the Force to jump to a brezak above them and threw the Zygerrian guard into one of the pits. Rex and Kenobi carried Roshti to the brezak, while the guards were alerted and opened fire as the brezak moved across the slave pits. Roshti and Kenobi were shot and captured, while Rex escaped on the brezak.
At the slave auction, Roshti was the first slave presented, showcasing the Togrutan people. The slave auctioneer stated that Roshti's colony numbered 50,000, all of whom were to be auctioned. He emphasized that Roshti's people were virtually untrained in combat, making them incapable of rebellion. Soon after, two Zygerrian royal guards escorted Kenobi to the auction. Skywalker, Tano, and Rex, aided by R2-D2, attempted to free Kenobi and Roshti. However, their efforts were thwarted by the Queen of Zygerria, Miraj Scintel, and her royal guards. Roshti, now joined by Kenobi and Rex in servitude, was transported to the slave processing facility on Kadavo. Upon arrival, Roshti exclaimed that they had found his people. All 50,000 Togrutan colonists had been transported to the mining installation on Kadavo, a facility fueled by slave labor. After exiting the Zygerrian ship, Keeper Agruss congratulated Kenobi on being the first Jedi detained in his "educational center." Agruss then dropped several Togrutas to their deaths, to prove his point and warned Kenobi it would be Roshti and the Togrutan people who suffered if Kenobi attempted to defy him.
While at the Kadavo facility, Roshti was given the task of working in the mines. At one point, the Zygerrians cautioned Kenobi and Rex that talking was strictly prohibited. As a form of punishment, one of the Zygerrians retrieved his electrowhip and began using it to torture Roshti. Kenobi tried to draw the attention of the guard back to himself by saying it was his mistake and to leave Roshti alone. In response, a Zygerrian rammed his electrostaff into Kenobi's shock collar. The Zygerrian then told Kenobi a slave was not permitted to give him commands. He pulled his whip back out and ordered Kenobi to beg for forgiveness before Roshti died because of Kenobi's actions. After Kenobi followed the Zygerrian's orders, the guards chuckled mockingly and walked away. Kenobi checked on the beaten Roshti, who told him to keep away from him, as Jedi only made things worse.
Later, Roshti and several Togrutas were barricaded in a room in the at the bottom of the Kadavo facility. A rescue party eventually arrived, consisting of Skywalker, Tano, Plo Koon, the Wolfpack, and Admiral Coburn's fleet. Not too long afterward, Keeper Agruss electrified the walls of the room, to Kenobi's dismay. Agruss opened a hatch, sliding the floor away from the entry point to the room, destroying the controls in the process. Soon after, Tano arrived on the platform and recommended bringing that Admiral Coburn brought the Arquitens-class light cruiser the Hand of Justice under the facility, to rescue Roshti's people. In response, Coburn ordered Commander Wolffe, Sinker, Comet, and a few Wolfpack troopers to exit the topside of the Hand of Justice with jetpacks and cabled guns. After the Wolfpack was in position, Tano instructed the Togrutas to climb down the cables in groups. Roshti was the first to climb down, with his people following afterward. After they were all safely on the deck of the Hand of Justice, Wolffe warned the facility was breaking up. They all ran to the interior of the cruiser, which then moved itself away from the facility. Once the cruiser was clear, Koon ordered the remaining gunships to open fire and destroy the facility.

Roshti was later seen aboard Coburn's Venator-class Star Destroyer, alongside Tano, Skywalker, Kenobi, and Koon. Roshti expressed his gratitude to the Jedi and the Republic for saving his life and the lives of his people. Skywalker responded that Tano was the true hero and that without her creativity, he doubted Roshti's people would have been rescued. In private, Roshti acknowledged Tano's significant contribution to her people. Tano inquired about Roshti's sadness, to which he replied that he was relieved that she and the Jedi did their best. However, he expressed doubt that his people would soon recover from the horrors they had endured. Tano reassured him that surviving the ordeal would only strengthen Roshti's people. Roshti smiled and affirmed that the people of Kiros would join the Republic, a decision Tano commended as wise.
Roshti, like most Togrutas, exhibited traits of peacefulness, dependence, and reserve. He opposed war for his people and believed in peaceful solutions. Roshti deeply valued Kiros and its inhabitants, willing to do anything to ensure their safety. His primary desire was peace for himself and his people. Roshti's height was 1.98 meters (6 feet, 6 inches), and he possessed orange eyes and yellow skin adorned with white markings and blue stripes.
Roshti was attired in a long-sleeved shirt of a dull green hue. This shirt featured white segments embellished with intricate, golden patterns. A robust, brown belt encircled his waist, featuring a single rectangular, closed pocket on its right side. A delicate, wrinkled purple fabric was draped over Roshti's shoulder.
His legs were covered in tight, dark purple pants, while his feet were encased in white, metal boots. The boots extended to Roshti's knees and were secured with dark yellow buttons.
Gupat Roshti made his debut in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Kidnapped," which served as the eleventh episode of the show's fourth season. His identification as "Gupat" was first established in the 2021 reference book titled Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle!, authored by Jason Fry.
According to Dave Filoni, the original script considered having Roshti know or have known Ahsoka Tano's parents, intending to suggest that Ahsoka's instinct to save people was rooted in that connection. However, the idea was abandoned because the crew did not want to elaborate on that scene, and Filoni personally felt that Roshti saying that to Ahsoka would sound like something "mean."