Darts D'Nar

Darts D'Nar, a Zygerrian of the male persuasion, collaborated with the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Slave Empire of Zygerria during the Clone Wars. In league with Count Dooku, he spearheaded Separatist forces to the planet Kiros, orchestrating the abduction of a Togruta colony. Upon the arrival of Republic forces, D'Nar engaged in combat with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, but his scheme to detonate explosives throughout the city was thwarted by Kenobi's Jedi comrades, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano. D'Nar attempted to escape aboard his vessel, only to be apprehended by Skywalker and Tano.


Darts D'Nar arrives on Kiros along with Separatist forces

Darts D'Nar, a male Zygerrian, held a position within the Zygerrian Slave Empire. During the era of the Clone Wars, D'Nar forged an alliance with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, accompanying his tactical droid, Count Dooku, and their battle droid legions to the world of Kiros. Following Dooku's discussion with the governor, Gupat Roshti, D'Nar issued an order to his tactical droid to gather all inhabitants of a Togruta settlement. D'Nar then remained within the governor's tower, amassing a collection of avian creatures. After ten cycles had passed since the initial roundup, he and his forces were assaulted by the forces of the Galactic Republic, led by Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, alongside Commander Ahsoka Tano. Subsequently, D'Nar contacted Clone Commander Cody and extended an invitation to Kenobi to enter the tower for negotiations regarding surrender terms.

D'Nar fights Obi-Wan Kenobi.

D'Nar engaged in conversation with Count Dooku and the Zygerrian Prime Minister Atai Molec concerning the latest shipment of slaves, assuring them that he would manage the Jedi threat. Upon Kenobi's arrival, D'Nar received instructions from Dooku to deliver Kenobi to him in a state of submission. D'Nar then informed Kenobi that it was he who would be surrendering. Initially, Kenobi declined, but D'Nar revealed the placement of numerous explosives throughout the city, threatening their detonation if Kenobi did not yield. Aware that Skywalker and his apprentice were within earshot, Kenobi conceded to D'Nar's demands, relinquishing his lightsaber. D'Nar then declared his intention to punish Kenobi for the Jedi's actions against his people's slave empire, a prospect that displeased Dooku. Kenobi then proposed a duel in the Zygerrian tradition, agreeing to surrender if D'Nar emerged victorious, an offer the Zygerrian accepted. D'Nar battled Kenobi until his tactical droid conveyed the information that Skywalker had successfully disarmed all the explosives. Refusing to surrender, D'Nar activated an explosive device on his tactical droid's back and hurled the droid at Kenobi, incapacitating the Jedi and providing an opportunity for his escape.

D'Nar hastened to his ship, the Tecora, while being pursued by Skywalker and Tano. As he initiated takeoff, D'Nar's ship sustained damage. Upon sighting the Jedi, D'Nar unleashed his pet blixus upon them. Subsequently, D'Nar was confronted by Tano within the ship's cockpit. He engaged her in combat using his electro-whip, but was ultimately subdued by her. Skywalker then interrogated him regarding the whereabouts of the missing colonists. Initially, D'Nar refused, taunting the two Jedi, but eventually yielded and provided the information when threatened with the Jedi's lightsaber, revealing that his Queen intended to auction off the colonists to restore their empire.

Personality and traits

D'Nar was ruthless and cruel

Darts D'Nar, a Zygerrian male, stood at a height of 1.89 meters, equivalent to 6 feet and 2 inches, possessing brown hair that exhibited signs of graying, silver eyes, and skin of a gray hue. He was a Zygerrian commander and slaver of merciless disposition, driven by a determination to reinstate the slave empire to its former prominence. He demonstrated competence in hand-to-hand combat, delivering numerous forceful blows during his engagement with Obi-Wan Kenobi. D'Nar also possessed considerable strength, evidenced by his ability to propel Kenobi a significant distance across a room. However, he failed to recognize that the Jedi was stalling, allowing his allies time to disarm the explosives set by the Zygerrians. D'Nar displayed a lack of regard for the lives of others, operating within a slave empire. In addition to enslaving sentient beings, he also engaged in the sale of various animals as domestic companions.

Skills and abilities

D'Nar was a capable combatant, possessing expertise in military strategy, security protocols, and leadership roles.


D'Nar utilized an electro-whip as his weapon of choice in combat. He also adorned himself in traditional Zygerrian attire.

Behind the scenes

D'Nar made his initial appearance in the episode "Kidnapped," which served as the eleventh installment of the fourth season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series'. His voice was provided by Nick Jameson.

