Miraj Scintel, a Zygerrian female, reigned as the Queen of Zygerria during the era of the Clone Wars. With the ambition to resurrect the Zygerrian Slave Empire, which had been dismantled by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic, Scintel forged an alliance between Zygerria and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Ultimately, she faced betrayal at the hands of her Prime Minister, Atai Molec, and met her end by Dooku's hand.

During the period of the Clone Wars, Miraj Scintel sought to restore the former grandeur of Zygerria's Slave Empire by aligning it with the Confederacy of Independent Systems under Count Dooku. After the Togruta colonists were taken from Kiros, she made arrangements for a slave auction. Subsequently, Scintel received word that Lars Quell, a human clad in Zygerrian armor, demanded an audience with her concerning the death of Bruno Denturri. She was captivated by his boldness and accomplishment. She was presented with a gift, a slave from Denturri's palace. She engaged in conversation with Lars, outlining her ambitions to broaden her slave empire. Scintel's Twi'lek servant girl then launched an assault on her, but Lars intervened and saved her life. She witnessed the servant girl leaping to her death.
Scintel extended an invitation to Lars to attend the slave auction. Her Prime Minister, Atai Molec, then alerted her to the presence of an intruder: Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. She commanded that Kenobi be displayed before the assembled crowd on the auction block. Scintel provided Lars with an electro-whip to discipline Kenobi. However, Lars revealed himself to be Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and his slave was revealed to be Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Tano instructed Scintel to surrender, but Scintel employed the shock collar to subdue her. Scintel observed as her guards attempted to restrain Skywalker, and she was impressed by his power. After her guards managed to subdue Skywalker, she resolved to retain Skywalker as both her bodyguard and slave.
Scintel informed Skywalker that Dooku and a significant portion of her kingdom insisted on his execution, to which Skywalker responded by Force choking her. However, Scintel warned him that defying her would result in the death of his comrades. She presented Skywalker with the opportunity to serve her in exchange for ensuring the safety of his friends. Scintel persisted in her efforts to persuade Skywalker to pledge his allegiance solely to her. Subsequently, Molec informed her that Dooku was en route. Consequently, Scintel confiscated Skywalker's lightsaber and instructed him to remain where he was.

Scintel greeted Dooku, even though she had not requested his presence. Dooku informed her that Molec had summoned him. Scintel shared her intentions to subjugate and enslave the Jedi. Although Dooku regarded her ambitions as lofty, he disclosed his ultimate objective to exterminate the Jedi, rather than enslave them. Dooku demanded that she permit him to execute them, but Scintel declined. Molec deemed his queen unworthy of her position and chose to align himself with Dooku. Scintel then brandished her electro-whip, but Dooku constricted her through the Force. Dooku released her when Skywalker burst into the room and briefly engaged Dooku in combat using the queen's electro-whip. As the guards rushed into the room inquiring about the queen, Dooku asserted that Skywalker had murdered her. Skywalker fled and transported Scintel to the Tecora. Before succumbing to her injuries, Scintel disclosed to Skywalker the location where Kenobi, Rex, and the colonists were being held.
Miraj Scintel, a Zygerrian female, stood at a height of 1.85 meters, equivalent to 6 feet and 1 inch. She possessed Reddish-brown hair, gold eyes, tan skin, and furry, tufted ears. As the queen of Zygerria, she guided her people into an alliance with the Separatists, driven by the aspiration to revive the ancient slave empire of the Zygerrians. Scintel regarded the Jedi Order as feeble and held the conviction that the Zygerrians could contribute to its downfall. Scintel developed an interest in Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and sought to entice him while devising a cruel test of his loyalty: to wield an electro-whip against Kenobi or face his demise alongside Kenobi. Following Skywalker's revelation of his true allegiance at the Royal Slave Auction, Scintel captured him. Despite her displeasure with Skywalker's disruption of her slave auction, she remained captivated by him. Upon Dooku's arrival at her palace, she rejected his demands to eliminate her prized prisoner. Scintel asserted that she would not be dictated to within her own palace. Her defiance towards the Count proved to be her downfall, as Dooku employed the Force to choke her, ultimately leading to her demise.
Scintel maintained a collection of three Kiros birds as royal pets.
Miraj Scintel made her initial appearance in season four of the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, with a mention in the episode "Kidnapped" before her visual debut in the subsequent episode, "Slaves of the Republic." Her voice was provided by Rajia Baroudi.