Royal Guards of Zygerria acted as sentinels, committed to the defense of the Queen of Zygerria, the enforcement of Zygerrian control over slaves, and the protection of Zygerrian interests. The Prime Minister, functioning as their captain, was their leader. To patrol the ground for escaped slaves, the royal guards would ride domesticated brezaks, utilizing these large flying creatures. They were armed with Zygerrian blaster rifles and electrostaffs. Furthermore, they piloted HH-87 Starhoppers to defend the facilities where slaves were processed. Soon after the formation of the Galactic Empire, a contingent of royal guards stationed on the planet of Ord Mantell employed Zygerrian energy bows and rode Starhawk speeder bikes.
During the time of the Clone Wars, the Zygerrian royal guard operated under the direction of Prime Minister Atai Molec. After the abduction of Kiros' Togruta colonists, the royal guard escorted Lars Quell and his slave to face their queen, Miraj Scintel. At the slave pits, a guard noticed two individuals liberating Governor Gupat Roshti. The guards then [tortured](/article/torture] one of the liberators until Molec identified him as Obi-Wan Kenobi. Subsequently, the royal guard intervened when Lars and his slave revealed themselves as Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano. They successfully captured Rex, Kenobi, and Tano, though Skywalker proved more challenging to subdue due to their electro-whips.
Upon the arrival of Count Dooku at Molec's summons, Scintel assigned several guards to watch over Skywalker, but Skywalker incapacitated them. Following Dooku's murder of Scintel, the Royal guards were deceived by Dooku's claim that Skywalker had killed the queen. After Skywalker and Tano's escape, the Royal guards forced Roshti and others from his people at the Kadavo's slave processing facility into an electrified chamber, intending to drop them into lava. Later, some of the guards engaged Jedi General Plo Koon's fighters in HH-87 Starhoppers against them.